AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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“Let’s Run Together”5/12/2022 As I was driving a few days ago I was listening to the radio and I heard the lyrics of the song say, “I will carry you.” It was referring to the Lord carrying us. I instantly heard the Lord speak to me and say. “To those I have been carrying, it is time for Me to put you down and for you to run forward and move on. It is time for you to run into your destiny.” God that is saying, “To those of you that are in a process, to those that have BEEN in a process, your process, this process you have been in is over and it is time to run your race. It is time that we run together to fulfill your destiny. It is time we run together and accomplish great things together.” This totally fired me up. If you have been in a process, God is saying it is time to come out of that process and move on, move forward. I can only speak for myself, I am totally excited to get out of this process and see what is ahead. I know God has truly been carrying me in some areas and for that I am so grateful. But, to say that I am excited for Him to put me down and take me out of that process is an understatement. It says to me that I am now ready to move on, I am now ready to move forward. I am ready to run with God and do great things WITH Him. You and I are to walk with God, to work with Him, not for Him. When you walk or work with someone you won’t be going in opposite directions. When you walk and work with God you are aligning yourself with Him. Since you are walking and working side by side with God your focus will be on Him. When you are constantly walking and or working with someone you're going to understand them better than you ever did. You are going to know His heart. Walking and or working with God is not just praying to Him or reading His Word; it is a lifestyle. It becomes intimate. It is a journey. If I simply work for God, then many times it becomes about performance and what I can do and my focus becomes more on myself. But if I am working with God I am watching His moves and I want to know His heart so that I can be His partner so to speak. It becomes a journey we take together and not separate. It becomes our journey together and not Him carrying me, but doing and being great together. It becomes a partnership. God is ready to set you down, release you and run with you. Are you ready to let Him? Not only has God been with you in the process, sometimes He has even carried you, now He is going to set you down, release you and walk and even run with you. If you work FOR God, do ministry FOR God instead of with Him, you can get burned out, tired and even be unfruitful. But, if you are working WITH God, doing ministry WITH God, you are constantly looking and finding where He is moving and you are joining in with His activities, His plan, and you will last for a whole lifetime without getting tired or burned out. Ministry is not a performance for God, but a participation in work with Him and in Him. Faith is working with God and like God. Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Psalms 139:16 (NIV) “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” God saw, ordained and wrote your days before one of them ever came to be. All your days have already been ordained. He has already been into your days, that is how He could ordain them and write them down. So, all that being said, this is a scriptural reason to help you understand it is better to work with God and walk with Him instead of for Him. He is ready to put you down and for you to run with Him and do great things with Him. It is time for you to walk with God into your ordained days that have been written down. Allow God to put you down and instead of Him carrying you. Get in step with Him and walk with Him. Trust Him. He is ready to get you and take you out of the process you have been in and move you forward. He is saying to you “I am here. Walk with Me. I am taking you out of the process and now it is time to move forward. You have been there long enough and NOW I AM moving you out. I am breaking you through and breaking you out. IT IS YOUR RELEASE TIME!!!!!” says the Lord. Micah 2:13 (NIV) “The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.” God has gone before you, He is breaking open the gate and it is time for you to go out. He is with you. Your process is through, it is time to break out and walk WITH God. The carrying time is over through this process. He is putting you down and walking with you.
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