AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
February 2025
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I AM Releasing My Flood Through You4/27/2023 ![]() I recently had a vision of water dripping. As I watched the water drip, I could hear it hit drop by drop. Then quickly the hand of God came and touched it and those drips became a flood. All of a sudden those drips turned into a flood. The water I heard turned from drips to a massive force of water flooding everything it came in contact with. I hear the Lord saying, “Be ready, I am releasing the FLOOD in you to FLOOD your sphere of influence. I am releasing what is in you to flood those around you with My glory, My fire and My presence. What you have been carrying has only been dripping out. Now, it will flood out of you. Those who have held in what I have put in them will literally feel it break out and begin to flood out of you. The floodgates are opening and what is in you will flood out. I AM in you and I am ready to come out of you as a flood. I AM opening the floodgates of Heaven through you. It is time for you to manifest Heaven on Earth. The dripping is stopping and the flood is happening. Together we will impact,” says the Lord. So many of us have held on to what God has put in us because of fear, insecurity, unworthiness, sometimes just flat out rebellion (because we want to do it our way). He is saying to us, “NO MORE!!! Release is happening. It will flood out of you. I am breaking the dam. You will impact those that come near you because I will flood out of you. When you open your mouth I will fill it.” Genesis 7:11 (NIV) “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—-on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the Heavens were opened up.” John 7:37 (TPT) “Then on the most important day of the feast, the last day, Jesus stood and shouted out to the crowds—” All you thirsty ones, come to Me! Come to Me and drink! Believe in Me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like the Scriptures says!” Psalms 81:10 (NJKV) “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Get ready people of God. He is breaking down the dam that has held you back. He is breaking down the dam that has held inside you what He put in you. No longer will it drip out, but it will FLOOD out. He is pouring His Spirit out on ALL flesh and He wants to use you to flood those around you and those in your sphere of influence with His Spirit, His glory, His fire and His presence. Open your mouth, it will flood out!!!! Stop doing and BE!!!!! Be His FLOOD!!! Acts 2:17 (NKJV) “And it shall come to pass in the last days”, says God, “That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.”
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KICK The Enemy Out4/21/2023 ![]() I am hearing the sound of something being kicked. I am hearing it over and over again. The Lord began to reveal to me what it meant. I am repeatedly hearing it; therefore, I know this is very significant. “Many of My sons and daughters are either tolerating or dealing with the attacks of the enemy. Many of My sons and daughters are laying down and taking what he is throwing at them. They haven't been rising up against him in their authority. They have been giving into the lies of the enemy and accepting his lying symptoms. I say to you ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I have given you the victory, now it is time for you to KICK the enemy out of your camp, kick him out of your house and RISE UP. I have given you a voice, now use it. Stop being silent and still in the attacks. Be vigilant, be strong and KICK him out.”, says the Lord!! “No longer give into fear. Storm him and his attacks. KICK him out!! Never again listen to his lies. No truth is in him. Use the authority I have given you. Use My Word. Use the power that is within you and KICK him out.”, says the Lord. John 8:44b (NIV) “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Luke 10:19 (NKJV) “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” The scripture in Luke is where Jesus is saying He has given us authority over all the power of the enemy. He says nothing can harm us. Fear cancels our faith. Fear is putting more faith in the devil than in God. It is time we KICK the devil out of our homes, out of our families and out of our lives. It is time to stop tolerating him and his lying symptoms. It is time to stop listening to the enemy's voice and start listening to our Daddy God and His voice. And today He is saying to you “Kick the devil out of every area of your life.” I see that when you kick him out he is literally vanishing from your life. So, I ask you, what are you waiting for? Ha, I see many of you drop kicking him and he disintegrates right as he comes off of your foot. Don't wait any longer, do not tolerate your enemy any longer. Submit to God, resist the devil, KICK him out, tell him to go!! When you do he will flee. There is no option. John 4:7 (NKJV) “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” You already have the victory. Jesus gave it to you. There is not an option when you submit to God and resist the devil, he has to flee. Use your voice, use the authority God has given you and use this instruction from God and kick your enemy out NOW!!! I would love to hear your testimony after you do this. Email me at [email protected] or respond to this on the blog page on our website or on Facebook.
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TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!!4/14/2023 ![]() I had a vision from the Lord and in the vision I saw three diving boards. One was the height of a normal diving board, the second was at about shoulder height, the third was so high I could even guess its height. I could smell the water below and hear it moving. The Lord spoke to me and said, “TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!” He didn't say dive in or jump in, He said, “TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!” Be patient, it is important to look at some differences so you will understand fully what God is telling us to do. To dive means: to plunge into water, fall, to penetrate suddenly into something. To jump means: to rise suddenly or quickly To plunge means: to cast or thrust forcibly or suddenly into something, to bring suddenly or forcibly into some condition, situation. To take the plunge means to enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course of action. He didn't say jump or dive. He said “TAKE THE PLUNGE.” I saw some take the plunge from the lowest board, I saw some take the plunge from the middle height board and then I saw some go all the way to the high dive and plunge in. We are all at different places. For some plunging from the lowest board will be like they are plunging from the high board and that is great. I hear God saying, “PLUNGE in from where you are and I will take you deeper and deeper. I will take you further and further. I will take you way beyond you. For those who are on the lower board, trust Me and climb higher. For those who aren't even on a board yet, trust Me and get on a board. For those who are on the middle board, climb to the highest board. Wherever you are, IT IS TIME TO GO HIGHER WITH ME. This is your plunging season. It is time to plunge with Me. It is time to go higher and go deeper. Where you’ve been has been wonderful, but it is time to go further. Leave where you have been and plunge and go deeper.” I can hear you hitting the water and hear you penetrating through the surface and I can hear the depth you are going. I see God right there with you as you plunge and go deeper. He is taking you into realms you have never been and never experienced. Psalms 42:7 (NKJV) “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV) “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Trust Him, take the plunge. As you plunge He is taking you where He wants you to go. Where He is taking you is way beyond you, it is way beyond anywhere you have ever been. We have been there before and where He took us was absolutely amazing and our lives have never been the same. I can't wait to go even higher and plunge even deeper with Him. It is time for change and shift for you and me. It is time to climb higher with Him and TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!! Here is the truth, God is about progression and advancement. When we plunge in we will go deeper and faster than we ever have. He is saying to you and me, “It is time to leave where we have been and go higher and further with Me. I am ahead of you. Move forward with Me. I am with you. Let's do this together. Climb higher with ME. The boards are there in front of you, trust Me and get on that board and TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!”
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![]() I heard doors opening and I then heard doors slamming shut. I heard the doors open and then saw people standing in the doorways. As the people took one step toward the door that had opened, the doorways that the people had been standing in, the door they stepped out of, slammed shut. I hear the Lord saying, “I am opening new doors. As you step into and through the new doors and out of the old place, I am slamming the door to where you have been and I am taking you where you are going. Many have stayed in the old place too long. Therefore, I say to you, do not look back as you step forward. Keep your focus on Me and walk through the new doors I have for you. There will be new alignments for you through the new doors. Some need to walk away from old alignments in order to grab hold of the new ones I have ahead for you. The old ones will try to hold you back. I say to you, ‘BREAK FREE’ from them.” There are NEW doors opening by GOD for you! He is saying to us that some of our old alignments need to be broken, because He doesn't want anything or anyone to hold us back. Be willing to let go. I can truly say that when God wants us to let go of something or someone what HE has ahead for us is FAR GREATER than what we had. GOD is wanting to take you places with Him that you have never been, into things you have never experienced. Be willing to go on this adventure with Him. Honestly sometimes, as great as the people are in our lives, they aren't always as willing to go into the great unknown as we are, and they can, without being intentional, hold us back. Don't allow boat people to stay in your life. Those who would encourage you to stay in the boat instead of getting out of the boat and walking on the water. It is the greatest time to be alive. It is the greatest time for the Body of Christ. God is wanting us to leave behind the way it has been, what we are comfortable with, the ones we are comfortable with, and walk through the NEW doors. As we do, He is slamming the OLD doors shut. HE is slamming them shut because He doesn't want us to go back through the doors we just walked out of. That season is done. It is time to walk through the new doors and into the new that HE has for us. Leave what He tells you to leave and go forward with Him. The doors I heard slam were so loud. Why? When something slams it gets your attention. This slam is letting you know that you won't be going back there. It is almost as if when it slammed shut, it sealed shut. Get ready, people of God, this is happening. What we have been comfortable with is changing. Who we have been comfortable with, is changing. The way we have done things is shifting. God is shifting and changing things for us. The new doors are advancement. The new doors are MORE! Do not allow the enemy, your flesh, or the comfort, keep you in the old doors. Be bold, be strong for the Lord your God is with you. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV) “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Philippians 2:13 (NKJV) “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” God is wanting and plans to do this. Walk through the open doors. Walk out of the old; He can be trusted. Leave behind what He doesn't want you to carry with you through the new doors. Ask what that is. There is so much MORE ahead for you. The new doors are already open, WALK THROUGH THEM!!!! |