AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
February 2025
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I Am Bringing Clarity1/26/2023 ![]() I am not sure how many of you will remember this, but there is a game that they used a lot on game shows called Plinko. The game works like this: the board has a lot of pegs on it and they would take a disk or a ball at the top of the board that is upright and release the disc or ball. The disc/ball would bounce off of the pegs on the way down and the contestants wouldn't know where it was going to go, or which direction it would take as it went down. They had to watch and wait until it got to the bottom to see the final destination of the disc/ball. God gave me a vision of this game and I could SEE the disc going down and bouncing off the pegs and HEAR each time the disc hit the pegs as it was going down and could see it went many ways until it reached the final spot. He spoke this to me: “I am bringing CLARITY to My people. I am bringing CLARITY to My Sons and Daughters!! What has been bringing confusion and doubt, I am blowing it out of your way. Your vision will be clear. I am releasing My plan to you with precise clarity and precise direction.” Many people have not known which way to go or which path to take. Many have been trying to SEE and HEAR what God is saying and showing them. But it has been like there have been blinders on to stop them from seeing. I even see people with plugs in their ears. I hear God say to you, “The blinders are coming off and I am pulling out what has plugged your ears. It is time for you to SEE and HEAR with CLARITY.” I will be showing you and speaking to you precise assignments and directions. Get ready, get alone with Me. It is time for you to see and hear that which I am ready to show you and speak to you. It is time for you to advance forward. CLARITY is yours without delay. Do not strive for it. Get alone with Me and receive.” Isaiah 48:17 (NKJV) “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” Psalms 32:8-9 (TPT) “I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway of your life, I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with My eyes as your guide. So don't make it difficult; don't be stubborn when I take you where you've not been before. Don't make Me tug you and pull you along just come with Me.” Matthew 13:16 (TPT) “But blissful are your eyes, for they see. Delighted are your ears, for they are open to hear all these things.” Matthew 13:6 (NKJV) “But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear.” God is opening up your eyes to SEE and your ears to HEAR with CLARITY. Get alone with Him. Close out all distractions and LOOK and LISTEN. Even Jesus got alone with His Father. Don't you think you need to too? It is necessary. CLARITY is yours. God said it!!! He is doing it!! Receive it, it is yours!!!
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Marching Orders Will Be Released1/19/2023 ![]() Over and over I am hearing marching, the sound of marching boots marching. I heard the Lord say, “I am releasing marching orders to you through January and February. So that when March arrives you will be ready for what is ahead and ready to MARCH into it.” Many of us have felt as though we have been on hold, or we have been in a waiting period. Some have even questioned their calling. God is saying to us that it is time for us to MARCH into what He is saying and calling us to do. What has really been happening is, what is in you has been percolating (brewing) and now it is time for you to get your marching orders and go pour out what is in you. God is ready to release you and me, but before He does that, He wants to give us our marching orders (an authoritative direction or instruction). It is His plan for us. The month of March is coming and we need to be ready. In the military, marching orders are: orders to begin a march or other troop movement. Joshua received marching orders in Joshua 6:2-5 (AMP) The Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and the mighty warriors. Now you shall march around the city, all the men of war circling the city once. You shall do this (once each day) for six days. Also, seven priests shall carry seven trumpets (made) of rams ’horns ahead of the ark; then on the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. When they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall cry out with a great shout (battle cry); and the wall of the city will fall down in its palace, and the people shall go up, each man (going) straight ahead (climbing over the rubble).” Many know the story, they did as God instructed and they overthrew the city. Joshua had his marching orders. He heard God and did as God told Him. God is saying to us today: “Get ready for your marching orders and then go out and do as I say. It is time to march. I have so much ahead for you. Get in your quiet place and receive from Me. Shut out distractions and hear My voice. There are precise things I have destined for you to do and now is the time to reveal to you what has been hidden. It is time for revelation. I am awakening that which has been dormant in your life and releasing you. I have many, many things ahead for you and I am ready to show you what some of those are. You are ready for them. I have been preparing you for this. It is time to MARCH in March.”
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Time for Impact1/15/2023 ![]() Recently the Lord awakened me to the sound of a ball bouncing. I could hear it hit the ground and then go up in the air. It then hit the ground harder and went higher. I could hear this over and over again. And with each bounce the ball hit harder and went higher. I began to think about this and seek Him about what He was saying to me through this. I heard Him say, “The higher you are going to go with Me the greater the impact you will make. It is time for you to hear what I have to say. As you get alone with Me I am going to take you higher and higher and higher. The impact you will make as a result is far greater than you ever imagined. I am going to take you to great heights and at the same time much deeper with Me. It is time for your advancement. I am awakening My people to greater heights and depths. Do you want to go deep with Me? Do you want to go to greater heights with Me? If so, get alone with Me. It is going to be effortless on your part when you choose to get alone with Me and listen and receive. I am going to reveal things to you that have been hidden, because now is the time for the revelation.” With each bounce of the ball that I heard, the bounces got more intense and could be heard more and more each time. With each bounce I could literally hear the ball going higher and higher. It was as if with each bounce of the ball, it was breaking through a greater atmosphere, making a higher and greater impact. The sound as the ball went up higher and higher becoming a Heavenly sound. As the ball was coming back down it was bringing with it a sound from Heaven. People of God, the ball is you and God is taking you higher so you can hear and receive the sound of Heaven and bring it back with you to Earth. It is time that you and I manifest Heaven on Earth. As you spend alone time with God, bring the sound back with you and release and make that impact God wants you to make. Let's be atmosphere changers. Let's be Jesus to the world. Let's show the world what Heaven is like. RELEASE THE SOUND PEOPLE OF GOD!!!! God is wanting you and me to get alone with Him, listen and allow Him to take us where He wants to take us. Will you go? Will you be willing to go places you have never been? When you and I bounce a ball it will only go so high, but when God “bounces us” we will go as high as we allow Him to take us. I am going as far as He wants to take me. I am surrendering myself to Him to take me to the heights and depths He wants to take me. Will you do the same? If you say “YES” get ready for the greatest encounters and impacts you have ever experienced. Take the limits off of God. Yield and say yes. Get ready to make an impact everywhere you go after you do this. When you do this you will never be the same. You are going to have a new roar to release. You will be releasing Heaven on Earth. Matthew 6:10 (NKJV) “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:10 (TPT) “Manifest Your Kingdom realm, and cause Your every purpose to be fulfilled on Earth, just as it is in Heaven.” I John 4:17 (NIV) “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.” Revelation 14:2 (NIV) “And I heard a sound from Heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of a harpist playing their harp.” Acts 2:2 (NKJV) “And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Greater depths, higher heights, the sounds from Heaven, are you ready? Are you willing? ROAR people of God ROAR!!! Release the sound!!!
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![]() I was awakened to the smell of fresh bread that had been baked. If you have ever smelled the smell of fresh baked bread you know the aroma I am talking about. Oh, it smells so good. At that time, no one was baking bread. I knew it was God speaking to me. I began to seek Him on what He was wanting to say to us. This is what He said to me for us: “I am releasing fresh words to you, for you, and through you. It is NOW, KAIROS words for your life and the lives of others. As you begin this new year, you will begin it with NOW, KAIROS, RHEMA words from Me to you. Rhema words are being released to you. As I release these words to you I will give you ears to hear what I AM saying. You will not miss these words. They are imperative for you to move forward. Some of you will need to share with everyone you know. I AM releasing a now, rhema word to My people. Get in your secret place with Me and listen. I have much to say to you. There is something I must get to you for the upcoming year. Do not worry about whether you will hear Me or not. You will hear Me, I AM giving you ears to hear” says the Lord. Matthew 4:4 (AMP) “But Jesus replied, ‘It is written and forever remains written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’” Romans 10:17 (TPT) “Faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God's anointed utterance of the Anointed One.” BAM!!! We should be living on every word that comes out of the mouth of God and we should respond to God's anointed utterance. In this prophetic word He has given me He is telling us to get alone in our secret place with Him because He wants to speak. When God says he wants to speak we need to take Him seriously and LISTEN to what HE has to say. God is ready to speak, are you ready to listen? I am telling you now, God has got me so stirred up about this. I feel an urgency to LISTEN to what He has to say. Downloads from Heaven are coming to you. Rhema — “a spoken word” is coming to your ears. Luke 5:4-7 (TPT) “Jesus sat down and taught the people from the boat. When He had finished, He said to Peter, ‘Now row out to deep water to cast your nets and you will have a great catch.’ ‘Master,’ Peter replied, ‘we’ve just come back from fishing all night and didn't catch a thing. But if you insist, we’ll go out again and let down our nets because of your word.’ When they pulled up their nets, they were shocked to see a huge catch of fish, and their nets were ready to burst! They waved to their business partners in the other boat for help. They ended up completely filling both boats with fish until they began to sink!” A rhema, now word from Jesus was spoken to Peter and look at what happened. Peter even talked back to Jesus a little lol. He had ears to hear and looked beyond what they had already done with no success, to do what Jesus was saying to them NOW. Look what happened, they were overtaken with His blessing and provision. Get in a place to LISTEN and HEAR the rhema, now, Kairos words from God for your life and for you to speak into the lives of others. We are to get the words out that God gives us to share to the world and to the Body of Christ. Let His rhema, now Kairos, word infiltrate your soul and forever change you. Get ready, because when you receive these words from God you will forever be changed. Get ready for the words He will speak out of His mouth to you. Receive ears to hear now and a heart to receive what He is saying to you |