AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
February 2025
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It Is Release Time!!!!!!4/27/2024 ![]() I have been continually seeing numerous boxes. Some of the boxes are sealed shut, some have the tape removed, some have one half of it open, some both sides are open and then others do not have a top/lid at all. God spoke to me concerning this vision. “I say to you, I want you to take Me out of the box you have put Me in. Please don't contain Me. I have so much I want to do inyou, through you and in your meetings. I will move where there is room to move, where you will allow Me. I also want you to take yourself out of the box that you have put yourself in. You are limiting Me in what I want to do through you because you either do not think you are qualified or you are afraid. I say to you fear not. Rip the roof off the box and let's go. Don't hold Me in any more or limit Me, and don't hold yourself in. How can you experience My fullness if you keep Me or yourself in a box? All things are possible to him who believes. Trust Me and don't lean on your own understanding. Let’s tear the roof/lid off and break out,” says God. Mark 2:4-5,11 (NASB2020) "And when they were unable to get to Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and after digging an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralyzed man was lying. And Jesus ,seeing their faith, said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Verse 11 “ I say to you, get up, pick up your pallet, and go home.” Mark 9:23 (NASB2020) "But Jesus said to him, “if you can’? All things are possible for the one who believes.” Proverbs 3:5 ( NKJV) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." God is wanting to move in you, through you and for you. He wants to move in your meetings and among your gatherings. There is something NEW He is wanting to do. He wants to do MORE! He wants you to experience Him and His ways to the fullest. Let's all make the decision to tear the roof off, to take Him and ourselves out of the box we have put Him and ourselves in. He is our Daddy God and He can be trusted. He wants to heal people, save the lost, deliver people from demons and do miracles through you and in your gatherings, will you let Him. He wants to use you in creative, wondrous ways, will you let Him. Why do we want to keep God or ourselves in a box? He can be trusted. He qualifies us. He equips us. He does what He says He will do. You can be who God says you can be. You can do what God says you can do and you can have what God says you can have. Just remove the lid/roof. Don't limit God. The only limit He has is what we put on Him. God I say to you right now, “No limits, no boundaries, I choose to rip the roof off and I choose to take You and myself out of the box. Do it Lord, do it.” Will you say it with me? It is time for you to be released and it is time for God to be released FULLY in our lives and in our gatherings and churches. Let's not keep God contained and held back. It is RELEASE TIME!!!!
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I AM Releasing My Oil and Love4/18/2024 ![]() As I was spending time with the Lord, I had a cup of coffee with me. As I took a drink of my coffee, I noticed it tasted like butterscotch. My coffee was not flavored, it was just a regular cup of decaf coffee. God had my attention. I knew He was going to speak through this taste. Butterscotch means: sweet perfect oil. As I was writing the meaning of butterscotch I began to smell the smell of an engine running. It filled the room that I was in. Engine means: victorious new beginning. This is what He said to me while I was sitting with Him, “I am releasing a sweet perfect oil. This oil will pour over you as you get in My presence. This sweet perfect oil will destroy the works of the devil. What has been attacking you will be destroyed. You will rise up with a victorious new beginning. I am pouring My sweet perfect oil on you,and you will not only walk in victory, but you will receive My love that I am pouring on you in a fresh way with this oil. I will saturate you with My oil. It is time My people, truly receive and walk in My love. You cannot give what you do not have. Receive My freedom. Receive My victory. Receive My victorious new beginning and receive My absolute love. Then go and give what you have received. “Go and be revival,” says the Lord. I John 4:17 (NKJV) "Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so are we in this world." Isaiah 10: 27 (NKJV) "It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil." Deuteronomy 20:4 (NLT) "For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight against your enemies, and he will give you the victory." It is time to receive His sweet perfect oil and receive His deliverance and the victorious new beginning He has for you. Receive His love. I see a wave of His sweet perfect oil overtaking you. I see His love overtaking you as you are in His presence. It is time that we, as His sons and daughters, walk in newness of life. I see strongholds being shattered as you allow His oil to pour over you. I see unworthiness leaving as His love washes over you. I see as His love and oil pour and wash over you; you are transformed. His sweet perfect love is bringing restoration to your heart. If you are reading this and you have been hurt or wounded, allow His oil to pour over you and His love to flood you. As you do, I see you being freed from all the pain, sorrow and hurt. His anointing oil is destroying every work of the devil in your life and it pours over you. Notice something, in the word released at the start of this blog, God said His oil would DESTROY the works of the devil. He didn't say break or use any other word but DESTROY. When something is DESTROYED it cannot be put back together. When it is just broken it can be put back together. God is DESTROYING the works of the devil so that it cannot be put back!!!! Hallelujah!!!! Oh, let Him pour His sweet perfect oil over you. Let it saturate you. Let His love flood every part of you. Let Him DESTROY what the enemy has tried to and has been doing to you. Rise up in NEWNESS OF LIFE!!!!!!
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“Do You Trust Me?”4/10/2024 ![]() Recently, I have been having the same vision over and over again. It is truly a beautiful vision. I have been seeing Jesus standing on the water with His hand reaching out to me saying, “Do you trust Me?” As soon as I said “YES” and put my hand in His, what I was believing Him for happened immediately. There was a line behind me of God's sons and daughters. As each one came closer to Jesus He reached out His hand and said, “Do you trust me?” Those who said yes I trust you and put their hand in His hand became water walkers, demon slayers, dead raisers, miracle workers, healers, etc. Those who said yes I trust you and put their hand in His, immediately received what they were believing Him for. This vision was so real. I was in the vision and so were you. Will you say, “yes Lord I trust you” and put your hand in His? When I said it immediately it happened, I mean IMMEDIATELY. There was no striving to get it, no battle, it just suddenly happened. This vision has truly wrecked me; this is a good wrecking. I have made the decision I will always TRUST HIM! He will not disappoint you as you say yes to Him and put your hand in His. I want you to understand something right here…If He said it He will do it. He can be trusted. He is asking us, “Do you trust Me?” because He has something to give you. He has something to deposit in you. He has something to release to you. As soon as our hand made contact with His hand we instantly received. As soon as we said yes and made contact with Him we then became who He said we were. We become the person He says we are. I became all He said I was, destined to be and do. He is asking you if you will say yes and put your hand in His. As Jesus is, so are we in the world. You and I were created to be all we can be with Him. It is time for you to trust your Daddy God and say yes. It is time for you to release it all to Him and put your hand in His and receive and be. Please understand this truth, when you just be who He says you are, you will do more from the place of being. It is time we do from a place of being instead of doing in order to be. I John 4:17 (NKJV) “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.” I am seeing many healed and delivered instantly as they say yes I trust you and put their hands in His. Delay is being broken. Now is the time for you and me to say "Yes I trust you” and to put our hand in His. Psalms 40:4 (TPT) “Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord. They will not fall away, for they refuse to listen to the lies of the proud.” Psalms 25:1-3a (ERV) “Lord, I put my life in your hands. I trust in you, my God, and I will not be disappointed. My enemies will not laugh at me. No one who trusts in you will be disappointed.” Do you need a miracle? Do you need God to do something miraculous in your life? Do you need a suddenly? Are you ready to BE who God says you are and do what he says you can do? If you say yes to any of these questions or if there is anything you need or want God to do in your life or through you, will you say yes to His question, “Do you trust Me?” Will you place your hand in His? Come on people of God, Trust Him, He will not fail you. Let Him do this in your life. Get out on the water with Him and let Him do what only He can do!!!!
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I Am Cutting Through and Refreshing4/3/2024 ![]() For a couple of days now I have been smelling lemons and limes. And then interestingly, I am hearing the sound of a skill saw. I have been keeping my ears open to the Lord for revelation in these things and this morning He gave me the revelation. The smell of lemons means refreshing and the smell of limes means refreshing and enhanced flavor. The Lord showed me the sound of the skill saw was a skillful cutting of the lemons and limes by His hand. I saw the cutting THROUGH He was doing. He then spoke to me and said, “I am cutting through to release My refreshing and a new flavor to your life. I am cutting through every barrier to refresh you. I am cutting through the tiredness and weariness to refresh you. As I cut through, this refreshing will come forth with a burst and a blast of new flavor that I am adding to your lives. Taste and see that I am good. This refreshing is bursting onto you and blasting off the weariness and tiredness, and bursting onto you and blasting with you with a refreshing and flavor from Heaven. I say to you be refreshed and drink Me in. Drink in My flavor and My refreshing. I am splashing you with joy and refreshing,” says the Lord. As I was writing what he was speaking I could see His hand cutting through. I could see His hand skillfully cutting away and cutting through. As He cut through we were splashed, sprayed, bursted on and blasted on by His refreshing and His new flavor. As it hit us, we shifted from weariness and tiredness to laughter, refreshing and joy. Our whole countenance changed. It truly is as if we have a new flavor. I hear the Lord saying, “As you stand and receive My refreshing and flavor, your lives will be enhanced with a new taste, so to speak. It is time that you walk in newness of life. Get ready, you will walk and look new as I burst and blast you with My refreshing and enhanced flavor. You will look new and have a new taste for life. If you are ready for something new or want My refreshing, stand in My presence and let Me cut through and burst and blast you with Me and My refreshing,” says the Lord. Shift is happening. His refreshing is HERE. His cutting through is happening as you let Him do what He wants to do. I could see the lemons and limes being cut through and the juice was bursting and blasting out with a powerful force. This is real. He is doing this. The smell is amazing and the results are unexplainable with the natural mind. As we are splattered on by His refreshing, all that is not of Him is being cut through and washed off of us by His refreshing. Nothing is left but His joy, enhanced flavor and refreshing. We are new. Psalms 34:8 (NKJV) “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.” Jeremiah 31:25 (NKJV) “For I satisfied the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.” Psalms 119:103 (AMPC) “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” Isaiah 43:19 ( NKJV) “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and riders in the desert.” His refreshing and enhanced flavor is here. Receive it now. His cutting through is here. Let Him cut through. There is a releasing that's taking place. He is releasing you from the weariness, tiredness and anything else you need released from as He cuts through. He then is releasing to you His refreshing and enhanced flavor. You are about to taste life in a new way as you let Him burst and blast you with His refreshing. Oh taste and see!!!! I truly know that you will smell and taste different after He bursts on you and blasts you with His new flavor and refreshing. “I am here. My cutting through is here. My refreshing is here. My enhanced flavor is here. Receive it now,” says the Lord. |