AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
February 2025
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Get Ready for Wealth Transfer3/30/2023 ![]() I hear the sound of money changing hands. It is loud and continual. Over and over again I see and hear money transfers being done. The Lord began to speak to me as I was hearing and seeing this and He said, “Wealth transfer, wealth transfer. It is time for the wealth to be transferred. Open your hands and receive this transfer.” Proverbs 13:22 (NLT) “Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth passes to the godly.” Proverbs 13:22 (GNT) “Good people will have wealth to leave to their grandchildren, but the wealth of sinners will go to the righteous.” I hear it being transferred. It is up to us to believe it and receive it. Your Daddy God is ready to transfer it to you, are you ready to receive it? James 1:17 (TPT) “Every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow of darkness and is never subject to change.” God is saying to us today that even though the world says lack, we will lack no good thing. He is bringing this transfer. The world will see how good He is and begin to want who and what we have. They will see the goodness of God in our lives. So, with that being said, it is His goodness that leads man to repentance. It will be up to us to show the world, the lost, the sinner, to show them the goodness of God. He is going to transfer the wealth to us. Don't keep it all to yourself. I can't wait to tithe and give from this transfer back to Him. It ALL comes from Him so we should be willing to give it back. God wants His children blessed, but He also wants you and I to be a blessing. I don't believe He is transferring this to us for us to keep it all, but to sow part of it. Understand something here, give and it shall be given. As you sow, God gives back. Freely you have been given, freely give. It is time for wealth transfer. God said it, He will do it. I hear the Lord saying, “I am opening up the floodgates. I am transferring things to you. The transfers will come in different ways: Mortgages paid off, debt paid off, bank accounts increased, I say to you overflow is your new lifestyle. Steward it well. As you give, I give back more. The flow will not stop as you give. I have unending supply for you. Live in it, it is yours.” Proverbs 3:9-10 (NKJV) “‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,’ says the Lord of Hosts, ‘see if I will not open for you the windows of Heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’” God is transferring the wealth for you and for you to give from this transfer. Imagine this, all your debts are paid, your mortgage is paid off, and you have so much, you have to give it away. This is our God. This is what He is about to do. Will you receive this from Him? Will you give from what you receive? I know I will do both. I hear the wealth transfer. My heart, my mind and my hands are open to ALL God wants to do, and ALL He wants to put in my hands. I am ready to give away what He has said. I will not hold onto what isn't mine. He is giving me part of it for me and part of it for others. I will give away what doesn't belong to me. Will you? He is transferring. So get ready to receive. I hear the money. I see the mortgages stamped: PAID IN FULL. I see the debts being canceled. Grab this word for God as yours. Believe, believe, believe. He is doing it.
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It Is Time for Firsts3/23/2023 ![]() Recently I was watching this show on T.V. and there was a teenage girl doing something incredibly brave and gutsy on a horse. As I watched her, I thought to myself, this girl has guts. I instantly heard the Lord say, “This is how I want you, My sons and daughters to be with Me. I want you to believe Me so much that you will be brave, courageous, and gutsy to do what I tell you to do. I want you to be so ‘gutsy’ that you will step out in WHATEVER I tell you to do and not hold back, so gutsy that you will do things never been done before-at My word. Unusual, unprecedented and new is what I am releasing. I am asking you, will you trust Me? Will you do what I say? Will you do what I ask you to do? Be gutsy, be courageous for I am with you.” I was truly overcome with emotion as I watched this and the Lord spoke to me. I couldn't hold the tears back. Which is not like me at all. His words hit my heart. Do I have the guts, the bravery to do WHATEVER He says? I ask you, Do you? I truly believe this is the greatest time to be alive. This is the greatest time to be Sons and Daughters of God. We are truly experiencing the greatest move of God the church has ever seen and God is asking us at this moment, “Will you believe Me and do WHATEVER I say?” “It will be new, it will be bold, it will be powerful, it will be miraculous and way more than you have ever seen before.” I hear the Lord saying, “There will be a lot of firsts. The first time I have ever asked you to do anything like this. The first time you have ever seen anything like this. The first time you have ever encountered me this way. Do not be afraid, this is Me, I will be with you in the firsts. Step out with Me. I am doing a new thing. Firsts are here. “ Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV) “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Joshua 1:9 (NKJV) “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” It is not time to hold back, it is time to be gutsy, to be bold, to be courageous. Your Daddy God is with you. Whatever He says, do it. You were chosen for such a time as this. God chose you to be born for this time. It is the time of the NEW and the FIRSTS. Embrace what He tells you, do what He tells you. Be a trailblazer. Be the FIRST!!! He is speaking to us. Be bold, be courageous and step out in radical faith and obedience to what He says. The harvest is ripe. The world needs what He is doing and He is choosing us to do it. The world needs who is in you, Jesus. Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Get ready to be uncomfortable, to be out of your comfort zone, and to do the FIRSTS God is telling you to do. It is a new time, with new ways and new things. Acts 19:11 (NKJV) “Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul.” I am so excited about this word from God. I absolutely love it when God does things we do not expect and that are new. I love it when He stretches me. Every time He stretches me, I grow. I have learned through the stretching and from being uncomfortable that what He wants me to do or asks me to do is way beyond me. It is all about Him and what He wants to do. I have seen that the more ridiculous I believe Him the more ridiculous the outcome. He is a Daddy who can be trusted and He will do more than we can ask, think or imagine, So let's all agree to be ‘gutsty' for the Lord. It is time we put down and get rid of all fear and trust Him. He will never forsake us. He will never tell us to do something and not do what He told us to do. If He said it, He will do it. Hold nothing back. Give your all to Him. Let Him use you fully for His glory. Be the FIRST to do His FIRSTS!!!! It is time to start—-- Ready, set, GO!!!!!!
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Pick Up Your Mat and Walk Season3/18/2023 ![]() As I was seeking the Lord, I instantly heard Him say,” It is a Pick Up Your Mat and Walk season”. He had my attention. Oh, was I listening to Him. He began to give me revelation concerning this statement. John 5:8-9 (NKJV) “Jesus said to him, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk.’ And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.” Jesus said, “Take up your mat and walk”. This is what happened: 1) Jesus spoke 2) The man believed 3) The man acted 4) He was healed and delivered It is time to hear, believe, act and receive your miracle. The man was made well!!! He took up his bed and walked. I believe through this revelation that God gave me, the man believed at the sound and command of Jesus’ voice and was instantly healed. He still had to do what Jesus told him to do, take up his bed and walk. What has Jesus told you to do? Why are you waiting? Just do it. Do what He has told you. When Jesus speaks to you, BELIEVE HIM!!! What you have been believing God for? He says to you, “Pick up your mat and walk. It is your time. It is your season. My season of miracles is upon you. At the sound of My voice, at the moment of My touch, it is done. No more waiting, no more delay. It is NOW!!!! Listen to the sound of My voice. Delays are over. You have entered into My take up your mat and walk season. So, hear the sound of My voice, take up your mat and walk. Healing is yours. Your miracle is now.” We now have the word of the Lord for our situations and circumstances. Believe His word and do this!!! What if this man wouldn’t have believed Jesus and did what he said? Let’s believe Jesus at His word. Taking up our mat and walking looks different for everyone. Mine will look different than yours. Lack and poverty are not yours, provision is. Sickness and disease is not yours, healing and divine health are. Depression is not yours, peace and joy are. Pick up your mat!!!! Do not stay where you have been. Hear the voice of Jesus and not only hear His voice, but listen and do what He says. He says it, He will do it. Believe Him and do whatever He says. Numbers 23:19 (TLV) “God is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes His mind! Does He speak and then not do it, or promise and not fulfill it?” When he says it, when He promises it, He will do it. He does not lie. He will do what He says. It is up to us to do what He says to us. Take up your mat and walk. Receive what He has said to you. This man had to believe what Jesus said to him. The Word is clear, if you believe, you will receive. He believed and he received. The second He believed he was healed and able to pick up His mat and walk. If you are battling disease, sickness, lack, depression, loneliness or anything else, believe this word from God and PICK UP YOUR MAT AND WALK. This is your time, your KAIROS moment.
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I Am Sounding Your Alarm3/11/2023 ![]() I was seeking the Lord on this week's blog and I had a vision. In the vision there was an alarm clock; I knew people were sleeping, and this alarm was going to wake them up. All of a sudden the alarm went off and it read 777. The alarm was so loud there was no way anyone was going to sleep through it. As it was going off and people were jumping up, I noticed the alarm was now reading 3rd. I heard the Lord say, “Now is the PERFECT time/Kairos time for you to wake up, to be AWAKENED!!! The Third Great Awakening has started and I want you aware of it, awakened to it and a part of it! I have caused the alarm to go off in your life. It is loud, it is bold, it is awakening you to your Kairos time. I will be making you aware of your part in this. Follow My leading, follow My direction, follow My agenda, and follow what I speak. Do not try to figure out this shift in your life. Don't try to figure out what I'm asking you to do, JUST DO IT. Just BELIEVE ME!!! You cannot sleep through this one. I am awakening the gifts in you and the plans I have for you. They have been asleep and dormant for too long! AWAKEN, AWAKEN. It is your time. You were born for this.” Seven is the number for completion, perfection, fulfillment of promises. It is your perfect time, your Kairos time. Promises of God you have been standing for will happen. God’s promises are Yes and Amen. What God has started He is completing in this time. What I love about the alarm clock vision is the numbers and the sound. It is still resonating in me. The alarm is so loud. There is no way you cannot hear this sound and ignore it. People of God there is not a snooze button on this alarm. You MUST WAKE UP!!! Ear plugs will not stop you from hearing this alarm, you cannot shut it out. This alarm is coming from Heaven. God is sounding the alarm!!!! Wake up people of God and step into the Third Great Awakening. I Thessalonians 5:6 (NKJV) “Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.” Romans 13:11 (TPT) “To live like this is all the more urgent, for time is running out and you know it is a strategic hour in human history. It is time for us to wake up! For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Genesis 28:16 (NKJV) “Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.’” Joel 2:1 (NKJV) “Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound the alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord is coming, for it is at hand.” God is sounding your alarm. Wake up. Let Him awaken the gifts He has deposited in you and the plans He has for your life. NOW is YOUR TIME!!! He placed gifts in you for His purpose, for His glory. It is your Kairos time. Time to awaken and move with Him. Hear the alarm, hear the sound and wake up. Step into the Third Great Awakening and MOVE WITH HIM. “My river is flowing and I want you to go deep and swim with Me. Dive deep with Me. Swim in My glory,” says the Lord. As I was writing that word from the Lord I saw us on a diving board and as we sprang on the board and hit the water an alertness hit us and we became very alert to the things of God and to His voice. Dive deep and swim with Him. Again I say to you, “Hear your alarm. I AM sounding your alarm for your life WAKE UP, I want you in the THIRD GREAT AWAKENING, not on the sidelines watching. I want you in it with ME moving with Me. Jump in, dive deep and swim with Me in the glory.” says God.
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Pouring Out Is Happening3/3/2023 ![]() The Lord has been speaking to me about His outpouring. He said, “I am pouring out My Spirit on ALL flesh. As you pray for even the lost, I will pour out My Spirit on them as you pray and they will be forever changed. As you pray for the sick, My Spirit will flood their very being, healing them. You are going to see and experience signs, wonders and miracles in unprecedented ways. To the churches who are open to receive what I am doing, get ready, My Spirit is going to invade your meetings and do what only I can do.” Acts 2:17 (NKJV) “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire and vapor of smoke. Hebrews 2:4 (NIV) “God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.” We all need to brace ourselves. It is here. God is doing something new and He wants you and me to get on board and flow. He is pouring out and He wants us to get full, then turn around and pour out what we get from the Lord. Then as we pour out He will refill us. This is like nothing we have ever experienced before. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. This is happening. Do not be a bystander, be a game changer, an atmosphere shifter, be the one who gets full, goes and pours out, gets full again and so on and so on. When your sons and daughters prophesy—listen to them. When the young men share their visions with you — listen. When the old men begin to share their dreams— listen. Don't dismiss what God is doing. There is an outpouring, it is up to us to get in it. What do you say let’s, stand and get drenched and receive His outpouring? Expect the unexpected. It is here. Revival is happening. Choose to get in it and not run from it. He is pouring out. Receive it. He is pouring out on ALL flesh. The lost will come in very quickly. Be ready to share Jesus. Pray for the sick. Remember, signs and wonders follow those who believe. Get out there and give them JESUS. He is not only going to pour in you, but through you. Let Him be poured out through you. |