AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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My Refreshing Rain Is Here9/29/2023 I was seeking the Lord and as I was sitting in His presence I began to smell the smell of lemons. Quickly I saw it raining down lemon juice. I know this sounds strange, but let me finish. The rain quickly changed into a refreshing rain from Heaven. The smell of lemon means refreshing. God was getting my attention to smell, see and hear what He wanted to say. He quickly began to speak to me. He said: “I am refreshing the weary. I am refreshing the tired. I am refreshing My beloved. I am raining down a refreshing over My sons and daughters. Not only allow yourself to get drenched in this refreshing and in My rain, but drink it in. In this refreshing rain is also healing. Drink it in, drink it in deep. My refreshing rain is here to get saturated in. Get soaked in it. Go play in My rain and My refreshing.” Hosea 6:3 (NKJV) “Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain. Like the latter and former rain to the earth.” Psalms 68:9 (NKJV) “You, O God, sent a plentiful rain, whereby You confirmed Your inheritance, when it was weary.” Psalms 68:9 (TPT) “You, O God, sent the reviving rain upon Your weary inheritance, showers of blessing to refresh it.” He is sending a refreshing. When we get refreshed we get revived. He is reviving His people. I also see He is refreshing many churches and reviving them. I hear God say to Pastors, “Don't grow weary, don’t quit, I will do it. Yield to Me. Let Me have My way in the Churches. I have much to release. Be wide open for what I want to bring, let me refresh and revive you,” says God, “You won’t be disappointed.” It is time we let our hair down and dance in this refreshing rain. Let it heal you, revive you and refresh you. Refreshing: having the power to restore freshness, vitality, energy Reviving: renew, restore to life, to return to life. Oh, let Him do it. Dance in His refreshing rain and drink it in deep. I hear the lord saying to those who need their hearts and emotions healed, drink it deep. “As you drink it in My refreshing rain I am healing you.” There is refreshing, reviving and healing in this rain. GO, dance in it, Drink it in. Let His refreshing rain permeate you to the very core. Drink it in and let it permeate your body, refreshing, reviving and healing your body. I see things breaking off of you and leaving you as you receive this rain. I see bodies being healed as you dance in this rain and drink it in deep. This rain is from Heaven. We are in His heart and He wants to refresh, revive and heal us. Oh, won't you let Him? I feel His heart for you now as I write this. He wants you all to receive this from Him. This rain is Him loving on us. Feel His love in HIs rain. Let it drench you. Let it saturate you. Stay in it for as long as you want. Run in it, jump in it, sing in it. Receive in His rain!!!!! Yes Lord, Yes, rain on us!!!!
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My Boiling, Pouring and Releasing9/23/2023 I have heard over and over again today, “I have been stirring up deep wells. I have been stirring deep waters. Now, the stirring is done and it is time for it to boil over. Many have felt a stirring in them, that has been Me. I am causing you to be so stirred in your spirit, that you will not be able to hold it in. It is time for what is in you and what has been stirring in you to bubble on up and out. My sons and daughters, it is time to release what I have been stirring in you. So much so that if you try to hold it in you will feel the pressure rising and you will HAVE to release it", says the Lord. John 7:38 (NKJV) “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” Romans 12:11 (TPT) “Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward Him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let Him fill you with excitement as you serve Him.” “It is time for what I have put in you to be poured out. The lid is coming off and the real you is coming out. I am removing all facades and what you have tried to hide behind and pulling you and what is in you out. You were created for such a time as this. I am breaking you out”, says the Lord. What an amazing time to be sons and daughters of God. We were created and born for now. Lay down your fears and let God do this. He truly wants to pour out of you and pour out what He has put in you. This is a year to not be silent. As we open our mouths God will fill them. Psalms 81:10 (NKJV) “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” Oh how God is going to do incredible things through you. He wants to reveal Himself through you. He is calling us to BE who He has called us to BE. In being, we will do. I feel in my spirit this overwhelming excitement with what He is about to do through us. We have to allow Him to do it. The scripture says, open your mouth and He will fill it. You and I first have to OPEN our mouth. Faith has action. He is telling us what He is going to do. If we believe him, we will let Him pour out what is in us. If we believe Him, we will open our mouths. There is greatness in you because He is in you. He is going to cause a boiling in you then you will boil over. He will pour you out. Yield to Him, trust Him, say yes to Him and let Him pour out of you what He has put in you. The world needs what is in you. The Church needs what is in you. Let Him pour out of you. Let Him release what He has put in you. Will the real you come forward? I will end this with this: Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
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Enter into New Realms with Me9/15/2023 I need to share a vision and word from the Lord that I recently had that I shared at the church we attend. I feel from the Lord that this needs to get out to the Body of Christ. That night after I shared the vision and the word from the Lord He added more to it. In the vision I saw a can that had the key that you had to use to roll it open and then the vision shifted to two angels one on each side and they had a hold of the key one on each side and they began to roll it open (at this point the can was no longer there). As they rolled it open, a portal opened up. When it was fully opened I heard the Lord say, “I want to take you higher with Me. I want to take you into realms you have never been or experienced. I want to take you to NEW heights with Me. You will SEE things you've NEVER SEEN. You will experience things with Me you have never experienced. Come up higher with Me. Come on, let's go higher, let's go into greater realms together.” Oh this portal is so incredible. It is so inviting. There is NO easy way I could say no. God is doing a NEW thing. Daddy God is wanting to take us to new, higher, greater realms with Him. Don't you want to go? Oh, I am already going. Sunday night as I was trying to go to sleep and was lying there and began to smell pineapple. I told my husband, “I am smelling pineapple." It is kind of hard to go to sleep when you are smelling pineapple, and you know God is trying to show you something and tell you something. After doing research, the smell of pineapple means: Balance - staying in the Spirit all the time. God is wanting to take us into realms we have never been and now He is telling me through the smell that He wants us to stay in the Spirit all the time. You ask, Is this possible? God says to you, “YES IT IS!” If we are in the Spirit, all the time, we are focused on God and can easily hear, see, taste, smell and feel what He is saying and doing. It is possible to do this. Allow God to use your five senses for HIS glory and for HIS purposes. God has much for you to do and much for you to experience. People of God, God wants to do this in your life. Say yes to Him. Allow Him to take you places. When we are staying in the Spirit we can be in tune with Him all the time. We will be forever hearing and seeing from Him. It's time you and I BE in order to DO and not DO in order to BE. Oh, let's all go HIGHER with Him. Let's enter this portal with Him. He is calling you higher, will you go? He is calling you to stay in the Spirit all the time, will you stay? I say, “YES”. Will you? Let’s BE in Him and then Do from that place, instead of doing in order to be. Because in Christ you already ARE!!! Revelation 4:1 (TPT) “Then suddenly, after I wrote down these messages, I saw a portal open into the heavenly realm, and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the beginning said, ‘Ascend into this realm! I want to reveal to you what must happen after this.’” Galatians 5:25 (NKJV) “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
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In a returning vision I have been having, I am continually seeing God's people in their secret place. They are going in and talking to God and some are just going in to listen to their Daddy God speak. Many I see are sitting quietly just listening and receiving downloads from Heaven. These are incredible images I am seeing. Then the vision quickly shifted to churches all over the USA and they were gathering together to just sit and listen to the voice of their Daddy God. Then God began to speak. He said, “As you enter to seek Me and listen to Me I will download things to you I want you to know for this time. This is a time where I want you to listen. I have many things to say to you. Take the time to listen. I have downloads from My Throne Room to share with you. It is the time for Me to reveal to you secret things. I have been preparing you to receive these things and it is TIME!!!” To the churches I say, “I have strategies for you. I have plans for you. It is time for you to receive them. You have been in a time of preparing to birth this next move and it is TIME! I have been with you, preparing you. It is time to move on from where you have been. You have only touched the tip of what I am about to do. You are about to birth the greatest move your church has ever seen. If you want to be in on this Church, then I say to you, gather and listen to Me with your heart wide open to receive, your ears open to hear and your eyes open to see!” Matthew 6:6 (NKJV) “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV) “Call to Me, and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." I sense from the Lord that this is a very important, Kairos time for you and me and the Church to call to God, to sit and listen to Him and to receive. We are about to enter the new Jewish year and this is some of His instructions to us. It is VERY important that we follow His instructions and do this. He is going to give us things, instructions and strategies for this upcoming year we are about to enter. Your secret place is a very important place for you to be right now. Go in with your heart wide open, ears ready to hear and eyes ready to see whatever Daddy God wants to speak to you and show you. This is a pivotal moment for us all and for the Church. Significant SHIFT is about to take place. Significant DOORS are about to open. God is wanting us ready for when they do. Go into your secret palace and listen. Let God speak and reveal to you whatever He wants to. You are already prepared to do what He says. After all He said HE HAS BEEN preparing you. I hear the Spirit of God say, “READY, SET, GO !!!
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Stop Running From And Run Into9/3/2023 In a vision that the Lord gave me I saw a lot of God's sons and daughters running, most were running VERY fast. As if they were being chased. Then all of a sudden they just put on the brakes. I mean they instantly stopped. Then they turned around and began to run even faster in the opposite direction. It was as if they were charging and were not going to be stopped. Nothing was going to stop them from running and running fast. I knew from what the Lord was showing me that His sons and daughters had been running and had had enough and they immediately stopped and ran at who or what was chasing them. What was interesting to me was that when they turned and ran in the opposite direction they split apart, as if they had been split into two categories. One group went in the direction that said, “ Calling”. The other group went in the direction that said,” Taking Back.” I then heard the Lord say, ” It is time for My sons and daughters to have had enough. It is time for them to make the decision that enough is enough. It is time for My sons, My daughters and My church to stop running from the enemy, the devil, put on the brakes and turn and run at him. It is time that My sons, My daughters and My Church run to their calling and not away from it. This is your KAIROS moment! Turn and run in the opposite direction from where you have been running. Stop running from your enemy, stop running from your calling and instead run at your enemy and run into your calling. I have already given you the victory and your destiny is already there. And I have been calling you. I have My plans for you and it is time you step into them. You have been running FROM way too long. Stop, turn and run INTO.” Isaiah 41:10 NKJV ‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes,I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Psalms 139:16 NKJV "Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, whereas there were none of them." Samuel 30:8 NKJV "So, David inquired of the Lord, saying, “ Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him,” Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”" God is saying to us through this vision and what He spoke to me through it that it is time we stop running from our calling and from the enemy and run into our calling and God's plan for us. It is time we stop running from the devil and run at him, pursue him. The runners in the vision were running so fast from their calling and from the devil. But, when they stopped and turned they began to run even faster toward their calling and toward their enemy. You and I were created for such a time as this. We have already been placed in victory through Jesus at the Cross. We need to get into our position. We were not created or run from the devil. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. And the Word of God says in I John 4:17 that as He is, so are we in the world. So therefore , you and I should be destroying the works of the devil. That isn't running from the devil that is pursuing, overtaking and recovering all. On the other part of this, God has a plan for you and I. He has a destiny for us all and we all have a call or callings from and with God. This is our KAIROS moment to stop running, turn and run even faster toward our calling. You won't be doing it alone. God is with you. You will be doing it WITH Him. Run people of God. Run, pursue, overtake and recover, Run people of God run into your destiny. Run into what God has called you to do. KAIROS!!!! |