AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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“I Am Interrupting Your Programs and Plans”10/28/2023 The Lord began to show me clouds parting, ways and paths parting open, doors opening and things that have been closed bursting open. I see someone charting their course through their own plans and God quickly interrupts them and shifts them. I began to sit quietly and listen to hear what He wanted to say through this. This is what He said: “I am interrupting your program, your plans, to bring and reveal Mine. It is time that you drop your own plans and pick up Mine. Many have tried to figure out My plans for them and their lives and have tried to reason them out. I say to you, don't try to reason My plans out. Don't try to figure them out. Just look, listen and follow. I am parting the ways, I am opening doors, I am interrupting you to shift you. Get ready I am interrupting you, your programs and your plans and shifting you into Mine. My plans are far greater than what you are planning. My plans will bring you peace, joy and fulfillment. My plans for you are already laid out. You just have to believe and walk into them. Today, as you believe Me, yield to Me and surrender your plans, you will shift into the plans I have for you. I am breaking delay off of your life today. I AM the Breaker and I AM breaking you free TODAY!!!!” Many have felt like delay has held them back. Many have been feeling like they are captive and restrained. Whether it has been financial, physical or another form of attack. The Lord says to you today, “I AM the Breaker and I AM breaking you free. The chains and restraints are coming off today. This is your NEW day. SHIFT is happening for you TODAY!!!! It is up to you to believe ME. I will do it. Believe and receive today. Your Breaker is here to break open the way.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Micah 2:13 (NKJV) “The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the Lord at their head.” Mark 11:24 ( NKJV) “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Will you believe this word today for your life? Will you allow the Breaker to break through for you? Will you embrace the shift? It starts with Believing. We must surrender and lay down our plans and agendas and allow God to interrupt us, shift us and fulfill HIS plans for us. God is doing this. He said it, He is doing it. Let's all believe this word, receive this word and move with Him. I say, “YES Lord, break Me free, break me out and break me in. Shift me Lord.”
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The "THUMPING "Has Begun10/23/2023 After the last Presidential election I heard God say,” I WILL make America GREAT again.” I have been hearing God say it over and over. The last couple of days I have been hearing the sound of someone or something being thumped, then I hear them falling and hitting the ground/bottom. I sought God on what He was saying by this. This is the revelation I received from Him: God says, “I AM making America great again. I am removing the evil from key positions. Just as Satan fell like lightning, these too shall fall. They will fall fast and hard. What I have planned for America will happen. I am removing the evil spirits and shattering the conspiracies. I will prevail. My people and My Church have awakened. They will not tolerate or stand for evil any longer. Together we are doing this. Fear not, for I AM with you, do not be dismayed, I am your God, I will strengthen you and help, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I have given you the victory, TAKE IT BACK!!!!” I literally have been hearing people that are working for the devil and cooperating with the devil being "THUMPED "from their position. People of God, God is cleaning house. He has heard our prayers and our decrees. When I hear the thumping and the impact when they hit the bottom, I then hear the Church rejoicing over the victory. We are celebrating the devils' defeat. Come on Church!!!! He is doing it. What we have been decreeing and praying for our nations is happening. God is doing it. Keep it up people of God. Keep it up Church!!! He is moving. Luke 10:17-19 (NKJV) “Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Job 22:28 (KJV) “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” Proverbs 6:30-31 (KJV) “Men do not despise a thief, if he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; but if he be found out, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.” Come on Church, keep decreeing, keep praying, we are TAKING BACK!!!! God is doing it!!! We are taking back our government. We are taking back our nation! With God we can scale a wall!! He is with us. Let's do this!!!! Get ready the 'THUMPING’ has begun.
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Who Will Be My Wave Riders?10/13/2023 The Lord showed me five waves He is bringing in. I could see them coming in quickly. After the fifth one came in they all merged/ converged together to form a Tsunami. The Lord spoke and said, “I am releasing five waves: My wave of refreshing, My wave of recompense, My wave of restoration, My wave of fire and My wave of Glory. As they come in they will begin to merge/converge into My tsunami. I am bringing refreshing, recompense, restoration, My fire and My glory. Will you ride My waves? As My waves merge/converge together so will My wave riders and a Tsunami of Revival will break out. Will you be My Wave Rider?” says God. God is bringing us refreshing, recompense, restoration, His fire and His glory. All we have to do is believe and ride the waves. As those who believe and choose to ride His waves we will merge/converge together for His tsunami of revival. I can literally see us riding His waves, coming together and breaking out in revival as I am writing this. Let’s all consider that the number five means grace. And He is releasing five waves. Let me tell you that I will be His wave rider any day and His revival. Will you join in? God is giving us an incredible opportunity here. He is letting us know what He is going to release and giving us an opportunity to receive from Him and to be a part of what He is doing. Don't miss out on this. BE His wave rider. BE His revival. BE in this tsunami of revival. He is giving us a choice to receive from Him and then BE. Isaiah 51:15 (NLT) “For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea, causing its waves to roar. My name is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Luke 1:50 (MSG) “His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before Him.” Psalms 19:7 (NLT) “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.” The five waves He is showing me are very powerful. As we ride them, the waves and the people riding them merge/converge into a tsunami. The power increases so much that it is literally EXPLOSIVE power. This revival is going to be a revival of His power, miracles, signs and wonders in ways we have never seen. Get ready people of God and be willing to ride His waves and merge/converge with the other wave riders and become this tsunami of revival. I hear the Lord saying, “My waves are coming, will you ride them? Will you jump on and merge/converge with other riders and become My tsunami of revival? I AM coming in power with miracles, signs and wonders in ways that have not been seen before. What has taken time to happen will begin to happen instantly for My wave riders. I am releasing My wave of fire and My wave of glory in NEW ways. I am bringing refreshing, recompense and restoration. Then My wave of fire and then My wave of glory. Believe and you will receive. You will recover all.” says God.
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Going Beyond10/13/2023 I’m taking you in
I’m taking you through Leave behind the old Walk into the NEW! Realms of fire Realms of glory Leave it all behind Walk into your NEW STORY I’m taking you in To the great unknown Put your hand in mine My glory will be shown You are going deeper You are going higher Step into the NEW Receive My fresh fire It is starting NOW You are going beyond The wait is over This won’t be prolonged
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I Am Releasing the Be’s10/3/2023 Last week I woke up early and rolled over and immediately the Lord spoke to me and said, “I am releasing the Be’s.” Well of course my mind thought of literal bees. I knew this word was for this blog. As I took this word and began to think on it, pray and listen to His voice this is what He said: “I am releasing the BE’s. The ones who know how to BE still and know I am God. The ones who know how to BE My son, to BE My daughters, to BE merciful, to BE courageous, BE strong, BE vigilant, BE sober and BE bold. The ones who will not BE afraid, nor BE deceived, nor BE frightened. The ones who will BE who I have called them to BE. The ones who can just BE and not always have to DO. Out of BEing, you will do.” I am releasing the BE’s. The ones who will BE My revival, BE My fire, who will BE Me to the world. I am releasing those who will BE My hands and BE My feet. I am releasing you to fly and soar. It is your releasing time. You know how to BE. Out of Being, you WILL do. I am sending those who will go and BE. I am releasing those who will BE My BE- ERS and not DO-ERS. Understand this, says God, in Being, you will DO. And you will DO more out of BEing than out of doing. You and I are Sons and Daughters of God, if we are born again. What we DO is not WHO WE ARE. What we do for God is not who we are. If you are a doctor, nurse, teacher, Pastor, etc. that is what you do not who you are. So many identify with what they do before they identify with the truth that they are sons and daughters of God first. I will speak for myself here for an example: I am called a wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, published author, etc. Now, let me explain, those are roles that I fill, so to speak, but first and foremost and ultimately I am God's Daughter. I believe you understand. We don't always have to DO. The world tells us we have to be productive all the time. We have to do in order to be someone and earn things. God says we just have to BE and from that we will DO and become who HE wants us to be. He is saying to us, through this word, that those who know how to BE, it is your releasing time. I am seeing a tea kettle that has been getting hotter and hotter until the lid blows open. This is who we are, we have been in the position of BEing and know it is time for us to explode out and BE released. The Lord says to those who haven't quite learned how to just BE, “I am taking you into training, I will teach you who you really are and how to BE that person. I will teach you what it truly means to BE My sons and My daughters. I am ready for you to BE!!!” “It is your BEING TIME!!!! I am releasing you and you will burst forth. You will explode out of your position of BEing, and you will BE even more,” says God. “It is time for you to BE everything I created you to BE. Then from that you will Do everything I have called you to do. But it starts from the position of Being.”, says God. Please take the time to read these scriptures on BE! Psalms 46:10- “Be still” I Peter 5:8- “Be sober, be vigilant” I Corinthians 16:13- “Be courageous, be strong” Joshua 1:9- “Be strong and courageous” Luke 6:36- “Be merciful” Luke 8:50- “Don't be afraid” Galatians 6:7- “Don't be deceived” Deuteronomy 31:6(CJB)- “Be strong, be bold, don't be afraid or frightened.” You are bursting forth! You are exploding out! You are BEing released! |