AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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Dive Deep with Me!!!9/29/2022 Recently the Lord has been waking me up with sounds. I wrote a blog about one and now I feel led to write about another. The second sound the Lord woke me with was the sound of a person on a high dive hitting the water. It was a very loud sound. This is what the Lord said about this sound and the significance of it: “It is time to go deeper with Me. I am asking you to dive deeper with Me. It is time that you and I make a BIG splash together. I am taking you into deeper waters, a deeper realm with Me. I want you to go 'way beyond you’. There are greater things for you below the surface, greater treasures are in the deep. Trust Me and dive into the deep with ME.” Oh, the sound of the impact I heard when the person hit the water. It was such an impact and it made such an impact on me just hearing the sound. As we go deeper with God, we will make a greater impact to those around us and even in this nation. There are great treasures in the deep. We have to leave the surface in order to go deep. We have to jump into the deep. Psalms 42:7 (NKJV) “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me.” I want to share a personal story here. Several years ago my husband Jay and I were invited by a minister friend of ours to go to Cuba on a ministry trip. We agreed to go and on this trip. The Pastor and some others from the church wanted us to all go to the beach. Well, just for the record, Jay and I are more mountain people. Well, we did go. And at the beach everyone was going pretty far out in the water. I really wasn't comfortable going out into the deep. But I decided to go anyway. I had so much fun out in the deep. Had I given into the fear of going out into the deep, where I couldn't feel the bottom at all, I didn't even know how far down the bottom was, LOL. I truly went out way beyond my comfort zone. Oh, but I had so much fun out in the deep. My point in sharing this story is, I would have missed out on so much had I not gone out into the deep. But, because I was willing to go out into the deep, in spite of being uncomfortable and a little afraid of the deep, I had an incredible time and experienced something new. I would have missed out on so much fun and an incredible experience of being in the water in Cuba. I had to go out into the deep in spite of my feelings. God is wanting us to dive deep with Him. He wants us to JUMP into the deep. Not just step, but JUMP into the deep. Stepping doesn't make as big of an impact as it does when we jump. It is easier to step than it is to jump. Jumping requires more faith and trust in Him. When we jump from the high dive we will be entering the deep with God and a new adventure will begin. We won't be entering the normal we are used to because God is up to something NEW and wants to take us beyond us. Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJV) “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth: shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Old ways are over. They will not be productive anymore. Church, God is calling us to lay down and walk away from the old and dive deep into the new with Him. Mark 2:22 (NKJV) “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins. The wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.” God is pouring out new wine. He is asking you and I to get rid of the old wineskins and get ready for the new wine. Dive into the new. Leave the old behind, climb to higher levels and JUMP into the deep with God. I heard the Lord say, “I have saved the best for last”. We are entering into a NEW season of NEW. We can choose to dive deep with God or stay in the shallow and miss out on the greatest move of God in history. I only speak for myself, but I am diving deep with God. We are on the verge of something absolutely incredible with God and I do not and will not miss out on one second of it. God is extending His hand to you and me to dive DEEP with Him. I am accepting. Will you? I wish I could totally convey to you in words what I am seeing, hearing and sensing from the Spirit of God. It is absolutely incredible. Church, we are just at the tip of it and God is saying, “Come on let's go deeper, let's go further in, let's go to the depths.” This is not small, this is huge. This will take absolute trust and faith in Daddy God. I am not saying this to scare you off. I am saying this to spur you on for MORE. Don't settle for the lower water levels, dive deep. There is so much more. I am about to explode with excitement as I write this. I can hardly contain my excitement. People of God, it is starting. The high dive is waiting for you. God is waiting for you to jump with Him. It is time to tear the old wineskins, get out of the old and dive. Drink of the new wine God is pouring out. Walk out of the old, embrace the new, go deep with Him, and drink the new wine!!!
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I Have Fired the Shot…Take Off!9/21/2022 I had a dream. The primary thing I remember was a gun being fired over and over. As I awoke and began to seek God about the meaning this is what I saw. I saw runners at the starting gate down in position as runners do, and the gun was fired and runners took off. Then it was fired again and a second set of runners took off, then again and again. Until thousands of runners were running their race. I heard the Spirit of God say: “I have fired the shot for you to start your new race. It is time to leave the ready position and go. It is time to run into what you were created for. You have been waiting long enough. You think you have been waiting for Me, but truly I have been waiting for you. You have been in a position of ready, but too afraid to take off. Today, I say to you, TAKE OFF!!! I have fired your starting shot, GO!!!! I am with you; we will run this together. You have been stuck in your starting position too long. I am breaking you free from fear and have fired the shot. I am giving you your breakthrough so that you can now break out.” People of God, He isn't just bringing us out, He is bringing us IN. Who is ready to go into their destiny? Who is ready to take off and go into what God is wanting to take you into? He has fired the shot, the starting shot. It is up to us to take off and start. He even said He is breaking us out, breaking us out of the fear that has tried to contain us and hold us in. He has fired the shot, He is breaking us free from fear, all we have to do is start. Deuteronomy 6:23 (NKJV) “Then He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in, to give us the land which He swore to our fathers.” Don't be afraid to run fast. Don't be afraid to trust your Daddy God. Take off, the gun has fired. He is running the race with you. I keep hearing the gun beginning fired and seeing the runners take off. Some faster than others, some running a sprint, some running a little slower. Many of you, once you take off, all I see is you running and running, and I see Daddy God running your race with you. Don't be afraid of the curves you will encounter in your race. The curves are shifts!!! As you run your race there will be shifts you encounter along the way. God says to you, “Fear not, I am in the shifts. I am in the curves. I am in the race. I am in your adventures!!! When you come to the curve, lean into Me, I will take you through the curve to the next path. Shifts are in the adventure. I am ready, are you?” Deuteronomy 26:9 (NLT) “He brought us to this place and gave us this land flowing with milk and honey!” He is bringing you out to take you in. Allow Him to break you through/out, then break you in. Micah 2:13 (NKJV) “The One who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their King will pass before them, With the Lord at their head.” He is breaking you out, He has fired the Starter Gun, it is time for you to take off. Some of you will feel as if you are running as fast Elijah when he outran the chariot. I Kings 18:46 (NLT) “Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.” I see accelerated movement for those who will take off with the Lord. It is TIME to take off. God has fired the starting shot. Will you start? Will you take off with your Daddy God? This isn't a relay race, where you pass the baton. This is you running your race with God. Don't try to pass off what He is calling you to do, to someone else. Run YOUR race. He has fired the shot to start! GO Sons and Daughters of God!!! Start, be accelerated by the power of God, by God Himself, into your destiny. I believe each one of us needs to do a prophetic act: Do what a runner in the starting position does when the starting shot is fired: take off!!
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Wrapped in My Goodness9/18/2022 My husband Jay and I were recently on a trip with some of our very best friends and we were all praying together, and my husband began praying about and thanking God for His goodness. As he was praying I had a vision. In this vision I saw a baby wrapped in a swaddler. A swaddler is something babies are wrapped in that wraps them up so much that their arms and legs can't move very much. Babies feel secure and comfortable in them. They sleep very well in them. The baby was asleep in my vision and there was so much peace on the baby's face as it slept and rested. The Lord began to speak to me as I was seeing this vision and He said: “I am wrapping you in My goodness. So much so that you will be engulfed in it. My goodness will wrap you so much that there will be no room for anything else to get in.” Just as when a baby is wrapped in a swaddler, God is wrapping you with His goodness. When a baby is wrapped in a swaddler, the baby doesn't move much and they sleep and rest. The baby in my vision had so much peace and was resting so peacefully. This is how you will be, resting in His goodness and at rest and in peace. But, that being said, in order to do this, you have to trust your Daddy God and lean into Him and allow Him to swaddle you with His goodness. Psalms 23:6 (NKJV) “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalms 34:8 (NKJV) “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.” God's goodness conveys His generosity. His goodness conveys an infinitely generous attitude toward us. By nature, He longs to bring us joy and blessings. Goodness is a core quality of our Daddy God. HE is goodness!!! Psalms 31:19-20 (NKJV) “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of men; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.” I believe these scriptures say a lot about God's goodness towards us. And He is saying to us,” I AM wrapping you in My goodness. You will lack no good thing. My goodness will engulf you, if you will only believe! I am choosing you to be My poster child to display My goodness. Will you believe? I am wrapping you up so much that there is no room for anything else but My goodness. Will you let Me wrap you up? Will you believe Me? Will you trust Me? I AM ready, are you? I love you with an everlasting love. I am a trustworthy Father. I will never leave you, forsake you, or disappoint you. It is engulfing time, it is time for you to be wrapped in My love and My goodness, says God! Where you have had turmoil, God is bringing you peace. Where you have been striving, God is saying, “Rest and trust Me.” You were not created to strive, but to THRIVE. I see a gentle flow of the healing power of God flowing over you right now. God is saying to you, “All sickness and pain is being healed right now. I am settling you in My goodness. Relax and enjoy the wrapping.”
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It’s Adventure Time9/8/2022 I am seeing a curve in the road, it is somewhat of a sharp curve. There are signs at this curve in multiple spots with arrows on them. I hear the Lord say, “Many are coming to a curve in the road where things will shift for you at this curve. It is time to trust Me like never before. When you take this curve with Me, it will shift your journey to adventures. It is adventure time. I have laid out signs for you showing you, at the curve, which way to go. Many have been on a journey with Me, which has been wonderful, but it is ADVENTURE time. Trust Me, follow My signs, take the curve with Me. “ Let’s look at the difference between a journey and an adventure: Journey– A traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time, a trip, distance, course, passage or progress from one stage to another. Adventure– An exciting or very unusual experience; a bold, usually risky undertaking, to venture, to take a risk, an exciting or unexpected event or course of events. I was talking with my husband Jay about the difference between a journey and an adventure and he said, to him a journey is when you know the destination, but an adventure is when you don't know the destination. An adventure is a risk, where you don't really have a plan, whereas a journey already has the plan laid out for you. I can only speak for myself, but I am ready for so much more with God. I am truly ready for God's adventure for my life. I am going to lay down my plan and my agenda daily and follow His signs, His leading and take His adventure. I am ready for the curve. I am ready to take His curve, His shift for my life as fast as He wants me to take it, as sharp as He wants me to turn, I am ready . Are you? To me, if I am on a journey, there isn't much risk and it is easy to get comfortable. The amount of faith that is required for a journey is less than what it will take for an adventure. I could get really comfortable on a journey with less risk, less faith and less trust required. But, man when I jump on this adventure with God, there will be more faith, trust and risk required. There will be stretching on the adventure. Where there is stretching there is growth. I say, “Take me Lord, I am ready for adventures with you!!! Stretch me Lord!!!” Will you say this to the Lord? It is stretching time. Time to take the curve with God. When God says it, I believe it. My husband and I have been stretched and He has proven Himself faithful. Then, we were stretched even more and I know He is faithful and He will do it again, only even more this time. He is saying to us, “ I am in the curve. I am in your future. I have prepared the way and now it is time for you to walk in it. I will lead and direct you and I will be with you.” Isaiah 30:21 (NIV) “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Psalms 139:16 (NIV) “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book, before one of them came to be.” God has already been in our future and all our days have been written down. We can trust our Daddy God. We can take the curve with Him and go on these adventures with Him. He can be trusted. If He says it He will do it. We just have to believe and trust Him. Joshua 1:9 (NIV) “Have I not commanded you? ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’” We have His promise that He is with us. His promises are YES and AMEN!!! There is a curve in front of you, will you take it with God? He is ready to shift you, are you ready to be shifted. He is ready to take you from the journey you have been on and shift you and take you on adventures with Him. With Him is key. He is on these adventures with you. You have nothing to fear, but so much to gain. Oh Sons and Daughters of God, let Him shift you, stretch you and grow you. Allow your Daddy to take you on adventures with Him. You will not be disappointed. Your Daddy God will NEVER disappoint you. Let's get on these adventures with God. Step out of the journey God tells you to leave and step into adventures with Him. Seek Him, ask Him what journey He wants to take you from and what adventure He wants to take you on. It's ADVENTURE TIME!!!!
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God began to show me a vision, really it was more like a movie. In this vision/movie there were different size wheels, some were very small and some were very large, some mid-size, etc. As I was watching this is what the Lord was showing me, there began to be motion, the wheels began to turn at different times and at different speeds. They gained momentum and as they were gaining momentum they began to move. Then quickly they began to turn and move faster and faster. As I was watching what the Lord showed me, He quickly showed me that there were people in these wheels. They were just resting in the movement He was doing. They were resting with Him even though they were going faster and faster. I asked Him what He was trying to say to me through this vision/movie and this is what He said: “ I am putting you on wheels and advancing you. Some will advance at slower speeds, others at faster speeds. One key to this is trust. As you trust Me you will advance. The more you trust and believe, the more and faster you will advance. I am about movement and momentum. You are entering a season of acceleration and momentum. I am asking you today to climb in this wheel and trust Me. Let Me take you where I want to take you and as fast as I want to take you. It is time for you to be birthed into your destiny. No longer will the enemy delay you. Get in and on the wheel, let’s move together. I have divine appointments for you. Precise moments I have laid out for you and I am ready to wheel you into those times. Are you ready?” Ezekiel 10:13 (NIV) “I heard the wheels being called “the whirling wheels” Jeremiah 18:3 (NIV) “Then I went down to the potter's house, and behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.” Wow as I was reading scripture I began to see you in the wheels and as you were resting and God was moving you faster and you were gaining momentum every block, distraction, and/or attack that the enemy was trying to bring was crushed under you as you rolled over it. Proverbs 20:26 (NIV) “A wise king winnows out the wicked, and he drives the threshing wheel over them.” Isaiah 29:5 (NIV) “But your many enemies will become like fine dust, the ruthless hordes like blown chaff. Suddenly, in an instant.” Isaiah 29:5 is exactly what I saw as we rested and rolled with God. We rolled over everything that was trying to stop us from going into our destiny and what was attacking us and what was hindering us. God is ready for us to move forward into our destiny, greater than that, He is ready to wheel us into it. He wants us to trust Him. One of the things that I thought was so amazing about this vision/this movie that God was showing me was that we were all advancing/rolling/moving with God as fast as we were believing. Let me explain: For the ones whose faith and trust in God was a little, they were rolling at a slow pace in a smaller wheel. The ones whose faith and trust in God was I'm going to say about medium, they were moving at a little faster than medium speed and in a little larger wheel. The ones who had great faith and trust in God were really moving fast in a much larger wheel. Then the ones whose faith and trust in God was radical and without limits were moving so fast I could hardly see them in the wheel and the wheel was huge. It was amazing. This word from God isn't to make us feel guilty or condemned for believing and trusting God small or believing with limits. It is to challenge us to believe Him more and to trust Him more. He wants you and I to trust Him, to believe Him, to have radical faith in Him. Faith, trust and belief without limits. To live in: All things are possible to Him who believes!!!! (Mark 9:23) He wants us to jump on and in the wheel He has for us and take us at the pace HE wants to advance us, absolute trust, absolute faith, absolute belief in Him, our Daddy God, who will never leave us, forsake us or disappoint us. He is ready for us to climb in the wheel, kick back, rest in Him, trust Him and let Him take us everywhere He wants to. God has the absolute BEST for you and me. He has a tremendous destiny for us. He has amazing rides and adventures for us all. But, saying that, you and I have to trust Him and go with Him wherever He wants to take us. He is ready to take us on the greatest adventures, will you let Him? Will you believe and trust Him without limits? I say “YES Lord, I trust you, take me wherever YOU want to! I am ready to go wherever You want to take me. I am climbing in and on every wheel You have for me, I am resting and trusting you in the ride. Let's go Lord, I am ready!!!” Who will say this with me? Who will trust, believe and have faith in our Daddy God without limits? I can truly say I have been stretched and stretched and stretched some more by God. I have said “God I trust you, do whatever you want. I have given Him my life to do what He wants. He has stretched and stretched and stretched me and I have let Him. I can truly say I have never been disappointed, only amazed at the outcome of what He has done, way more than I could ever ask or think. Today, God is saying to you and me, "Let GO! It is time for a great adventure with Me. It is time to let Me advance you and move you forward into your destiny. Will you trust Me? Will you go with Me? Will you allow Me to stretch you? There is growing in stretching. Let's go together for the greatest ride of your life thus far. On the adventures, let's take out everything the enemy has tried to set up in your life to stop you. As you trust Me, the delays will fall to the wayside. My wheels are turning, will you jump in and ride with Me? “ Let’s go Sons and Daughters of God!!! Let's ride these wheels with God!!!! Enjoy the ride!!! |