AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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Step Back, Move Over, I AM Coming Through11/30/2023 I was seeking the Lord on what He wants to say for this week's blog and He immediately spoke to me. He said, “Step back, move over, I AM coming through.” I am going to be honest when I heard it I thought, Lord, You are telling us to step back? He knew my thoughts and immediately the Lord said, “Yes, I want you to STEP BACK from trying to fix things yourself, from trying to do it on your own and from taking matters into your own hands.” He then began to give me revelations and speak to me on the rest of this word. He said again, “Step back, move over I AM coming through. As you step back and move over you are out of My way to do what I will do. You are taking your hands off of it. I have been waiting.” As I was sharing this with my husband Jay, I could literally see the Lord coming THROUGH!!!! He showed me that as we stepped back and moved over He immediately came through. I could literally see Him coming through and as He did, everything and everyone, and I mean EVERYTHING and EVERYONE got out of His way. He was coming through and bringing us breakTHROUGH. He was coming THROUGH for us. He then said, “Everything you have been believing Me for I AM bringing THROUGH!!! I have let you try long enough and many of you have seen that your way isn't working. You are ready to let go and let Me. So here I come. Step back, move over, I AM coming through. That which you have been standing for I AM bringing THROUGH and to you. So let go and let ME. My ways are higher than yours. I know what you need more than you do. I AM able to do more than you ask or think. Here I AM, step back, move over, I AM coming through.” I could literally feel the Lord coming through for Jay and myself as I was sharing this with him. I could feel the POWER and the FORCE as He came through. Listen, God means what He says. So we need to step back, move over and let Him do what He wants to do. God Himself is telling us I AM is coming through for us. Oh, let Him do it. There are things that we have been praying for and waiting for and we are stepping back, moving out of the way and letting our Daddy God bring it through. Will you join us? When you do this, the delay is over. I AM is doing it instantly as soon as we do what He says. Ephesians 3:20-21 (NKJV) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, Amen.” Micah 2:13 (NKJV) “The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the Lord at their head.” Isaiah 55:9 (NKJV) “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV) “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” God said it, He will do it. Trust Him, step back, move over. He IS coming through.
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Climb On, Hang On and Move On. Soar with Me11/25/2023 As I was going to sleep the Lord gave me a vision and immediately spoke to me. In the vision I saw a massive eagle and we were riding on its back as it was soaring higher and higher. I could literally feel the wind blowing on me. As we flew it began to rain very softly on us. The Lord spoke to me and said, “Climb on, hang on, we are moving on.” I knew that He wanted us to trust Him, climb on, hang on and soar with Him above everything we needed to move on from. As we did the gentle rain washed over us bringing refreshing, renewal and restoration. Many were receiving healing as they soared with the Lord. It was such a beautiful, powerful vision. We were literally soaring with Him. The eagle was flying and soaring quickly, yet precisely. As we were going through the gentle rain the eagle slowed down and we were soaring, so as to let every drop wash over us. I don't think I can truly put into words what I experienced as I was soaring. It was powerful, yet gentle at the same time. I hear the Lord as I write this. “It is time for you to soar on wings as eagles. It is time for you to fly above your problems and cares and soar with Me. it is time for you to fly and soar into your next season with Me. Climb on, hang on and move on. You are about to go on the ride of your life with Me. As you soar with Me, let My gentle rain bring you REFRESHING, RENEWAL and RESTORATION! Let My gentle rain wash over you and heal you physically and emotionally. Where you have been hurt and wounded My gentle rain will fill those places and wash and cleanse them, it will be as if it never happened. Where you have been slandered and accused, My gentle rain will wash even the memories of those words away. I am renewing you and refreshing you. I say to you, this rain will even renew your youth, YES, even cause to feel younger. I AM. Climb on, hang on and move on with Me. Let's soar together and fly into My deluge of gentle rain”, says the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Psalms 68:8 (NKJV) "The earth shook; the Heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel." Oh, Sons and Daughters of God, please don't miss out on this. Climb on, hang on and move on. Soar with Him. Let His rain wash over you. Let His deluge refresh, renew and restore you. Go into your next season refreshed, renewed, restored and healed by your Daddy God. As you climb on (may I suggest you do this prophetic act by literally climbing on and hanging on), He will move you on. It is time to fly ABOVE. He makes you above and not beneath. LET’S GO!!!!!
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I Am Releasing A Fresh Wind11/17/2023 I began to hear the wind blow in my spirit over and over again. Then I heard it again and this time it came in swiftly and I could feel the swoosh of the wind. As it did that I could see debris, the excess stuff and things that didn't belong, get blown away. The Lord began to speak to me and give me revelation. I hear the Lord say, “I am bringing My wind, the wind of My Spirit into your lives, your families and your regions and I’m blowing out and away that which doesn't belong. I am blowing away what has tried to hold you back. I am blowing out and away all the debris that is not from Me and all that does not belong in your life. I am blowing out all the excess stuff from your life to rid you of busyness and distraction. It is time for you to be still and know that I am God. It is time to be quiet and listen. I am releasing strategies and plans for you - to you. So it is time for removal of that which doesn't belong and that which is distracting you and keeping you busy. Receive My wind and My blowing out and away. Receive it NOW!” “I say to you, hold your arms up with your hands open and receive My wind. Let it blow on you and in you. Let it swoosh inside you and all around you and get rid of all that has distracted you and that doesn't belong. Let it swoosh and engulf you and refresh and renew you. Now is the time", says the Lord. I could see us lifting our arms to Heaven with our hands open wide and receiving His wind and as we did it literally swooshed in us and all that remained was what is of God and from Him for our lives. Everything else was blown away by the Spirit of God. God is going to blow a fresh wind on you and His swoosh of wind will pick up all the debris and excess and distractions and blow them up and out. When you are ready to receive, get those arms up and hands open. Acts 2:2 (NKJV) “And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Psalms 104:3 (NKJV) “He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, who makes the clouds His chariots, who walks on the wings of the wind.” I honestly could hear His wind, feel it and then quickly His swoosh hit me. I know that I know that God is doing this. It was almost a tornadic wind. Tornadoes, in the natural world, can be destructive, but they can also pick things up and carry them away. When I heard the wind of God and felt it and it swoosh over me and in me, it was a tornadic type wind. Then when it left, I felt the wind of His Spirit blow on me and refresh and renew me. Oh, people of God receive this wind. In the vision I had with this word, we held our arms up and had our hands open. This was the instruction God gave us to do. Why? Because when my arms are up, it is a yielded and surrendered position. When my hands are open I am not holding onto anything. I encourage you to read this word from the Lord more than once and allow it to penetrate you, then follow the instructions of the Lord and hold your arms up, hands open and receive His wind and His swoosh in you, over you and all around you. Let Him set you free from what is keeping you busy that is not of Him. Then let Him free you from ALL distractions and all the excess stuff that is keeping you busy and distracted, things that are not from Him.
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I Am Covering and Smothering You!11/11/2023 The Lord brought to my mind a restaurant that is in my area that serves eggs and hash browns that you can order covered and smothered. As I was thinking about this as He brought it to my mind, He said, “I am covering and smothering My people. You will be covered and smothered by Me.” Well, immediately my mind thought, when we hear the word smothered it doesn't always mean a good thing. I asked my husband Jay what he thought of when he heard the wordsmothered. And he said a blanket. Well that fit what the Lord had been revealing to me about what He said. It is important to look at the definition of covered and smothered. According to, covered means: to be or serve as a covering; to place something over or upon; to protect; to bring upon; something that goes on top or surrounds. Smotheredmeans, an overspreading profusion of anything; to cover closely or thickly; envelop. I feel led by the Lord to include the definition of the word profusion so you can fully understand what He is saying to us. Profusion( means: abundance, abundant quantity, extravagance. The Lord says, “I am covering you and smothering you with My blessings and My goodness. You will lack no good thing. I am your Provider and your Source. In this time, when the world screams depression and lack, I say to you increase and blessing. You will be covered and smothered by Me. Lack and depression will not touch those who believe. You, who are My sons and daughters, My believers, will have more than enough. Know this, if I have you covered and smothered nothing of the enemy can get it. I am wrapping you in My provision, My blessings, My goodness and My abundance. Keep your eyes on Me, not the world, not the news or on what the devil is doing. Keep your eyes on Me. I have got you and your life in my hands and My arm is not too short. I will ALWAYS provide for you. I will give you more than you can ask, think or imagine.” Isaiah 59:1 (NIV) “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear.” Psalms 16:8 (NIV) “I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with HImat my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Ephesians 3:20 (TPT) “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination. He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.” “I will turn things around. I will make America great again. Keep looking at Me. Decree My word over America, over your lives and over your families. I will turn things around for you. Keep your eyes on Me and keep in my Word. I will never leave you or forsake you. I am your Provider. I am your Source. This world is not your source, I AM!!!”, says the Lord. People of God, believe this word. Believe what God says and let Him coverand smother you with His provision, His goodness and His blessings. Let Him cover and smother you so nothing demonic can get to you. Fear not!! He has us. He is I AM!
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I Am Releasing My LOVE Revival11/4/2023 I am continually hearing the Lord say to me, “I am releasing a LOVE revival in the land. I am calling My lovers to come forward and carry My love to others.” I can see an absolute flood of God's love flowing all over the land. It is thick and heavy. I can see His lovers rising up through the flood, full of His love and saturated in it. As His lovers go out and give out His love, the whole earth is breaking out in a LOVE revival. He is doing this and He is calling us, His lovers, to come up saturated and full of His love and to carry out and release His love all over the land. It is as easy as walking up to someone and hugging them or shaking their hand. I am seeing, as we do this, His love is transferred to those we come in contact with. I hear the Lord saying, “Lovers, come forward and come up! My sons and daughters, it is time to freely give out what you have received from Me. My love and My goodness have overtaken you and have filled you; now go and pour out all over the land. The harvest is ripe. Go pour My love and goodness out on others and reap. Freely you have been given, freely give. Go out and love the ones the world calls unlovable. Go heap My goodness and love on the least desirable. Go love and heap goodness on your enemies. My love will win. I am releasing a LOVE revival. The moment you read this word and believe this word and receive it, I will fill you with an overflow of My love and saturate you in My love, so much so, that you won't be able to contain it. It is time you BE My love to the world and BE My revival. My LOVE revival is here. I am releasing it now.” People of God, this is a Kairos word. Read it, believe it and receive it. This is a word that God is going to implement as fast as you read it, believe it and receive it. I see you as read this word, believing it, you receive it and you are instantly flooded and completely filled and covered with His thick, heavy love. Then you rise up so full and saturated that you have to go release it. As you do, more floods you and saturates you. This will not stop until what God wants accomplished in his LOVE revival is accomplished. Matthew 10;8 (NKJV) “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” Psalms 23:6 ( NKJV) “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of your life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Revelation 14:15 (NKJV) “And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” He is releasing His LOVE revival to His lovers, His sons and daughters. Will you read this word, believing it, receiving it and then go out and be the revival? I say “YES Lord, fill me, saturate me and then I will go out and release Your love all over the land.” Remember, freely you have received, freely give. Oh, sons and daughters of God, His lovers, let His love flood and saturate you and then go and give out of what you have received and then you will receive more. It is Kairos time. He said it, He will do it!!! His LOVE revival is starting NOW!!!!!! |