AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
February 2025
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I Want to Smell Cedar Coming from You11/26/2022 ![]() The Lord kept causing me to smell cedar. I love the smell of cedar, but I knew the Lord was going to speak to me through this smell. I began to ask Him what it was He wanted to say or what He was wanting to show me through this smell. He began to give me revelation. A cedar is decay resistant and insect repellent. It is durable and stable and is beautiful. It is a symbol of nobility, strength and of incorruptibility. David used cedar in building the temple. In I Kings 5, David was preparing to build the temple and in verse 6 we read “So give orders that cedars of Lebanon be cut for me. My men will work with yours, and I will pay you for your men whatever wages you set. You know that we have no one so skilled in feeling timber as the Sidonians.” Solomon used cedar in his palace. I Kings 7:2 (NIV) “He built the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high, with four rows of cedar columns supporting trimmed cedar beams.” Cedar was used in the building of Solomon's palace, in David's palace and in the building of the temple among other places and things. Cedar represents royalty, a mighty person. It is tall and upright and used extensively in the royal residence and the temple. God began to cause me to smell cedar and I heard Him say: “When My children trust Me and lean into Me and do not waiver, it is a smell of cedar to Me. I smell the smell of royalty (you know who you are and your authority, and that comes to ME as the smell of cedar. When you trust Me and stand tall and stand your ground against your enemy, I smell a strong smell of cedar. It is a fragrant offering to Me that you trust Me and believe in who I say you are. It rises to Me. I want you to know I see you as royalty; I see you strong and immovable. I see you and know you as the victor. I say to you today, it is your Kairos moment to establish that victory in your life. No longer live from a victim mentality or from the place of a victim. I have put you in victory. You are to live there and when you do you smell as cedar to Me. Let it rise from you to Me. I love when you take your place with Me. I love when you accept who I say you are and walk in it.” The Lord loves it when we walk in what He paid for, when we truly know who we are and walk as that person. 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV) “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Deuteronomy 20:4 (NIV) “For the Lord your God is the One who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” It is up to you and me to live in that victory and believe who God says we are. It is time you and I be who God says we are, do what God says we can do, have what God says we can have. And when we do these things, He smells cedar. Be resistant to the cares of the world, to the attacks of the enemy, to the lies, the fear etc. Let's do this. Let's honor God and let Him smell cedar coming from our lives by believing Him and living in victory 24/7. He has planned for us to live life to the fullest. So, if you aren't there yet, step out of where you have been and step into what He says and who He says you are and into that FULL life and VICTORY!!! Let's go for it. Trust Him, He will not fail you. And I promise, from what I have experienced today from the smell and the revelation God has given me, He loves to smell cedar coming from us. When He smells cedar coming from us, He knows we are trusting Him and living in the victory HE has given us and we see ourselves as who He says we are and as royalty. After all, you are a Son or Daughter of THE KING!!! Believe it, walk it, be her or him and live FULL!!!!
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I Am Releasing My Lions and Lionesses11/18/2022 ![]() As I was seeking the Lord for this blog I began to hear lions and lionesses roar. The roar was fierce and so deep and loud. I immediately heard the Lord say, “I am releasing My lions and lionesses. I am releasing them with a fierce, mighty, loud roar. I am releasing them with My roar. They have been carrying a sound from Heaven and it is time to release it. I am releasing you to roar.” Proverbs 28:1(b) (NKJV) “But the righteous are a bold as a lion.” Proverbs 30:30 (NKJV) “A lion, which is mighty among beasts, and does not turn away from any.” Joel 3:16 (NKJV) “The Lord will also roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and the earth will shake; but the Lord will be a shelter for His people.” It is time that we release the roar lions and lionesses of God. ROAR!!!!! It is time you and I allow God to release us and that we open our mouths and allow Him to release the ROAR inside of us. Haggai 2:6 (NKJV) “For thus says the Lord of hosts; ‘Once more ( it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, ’says the Lord of hosts.” “I, the Lord, am releasing you and I am releasing My roar through you. It is time that you and I together shake the nations. I am releasing My glory on the earth. I am releasing a shaking that will WAKE up this nation. I am releasing My roar through you to wake up My people all over the world. Roar, My child, Roar.” One of the reasons a lion roars is to establish territory. It can be heard for a long distance. It can be deafening. When a lion roars, attention is given. God is wanting to release us and release His roar through us to use us to awaken His people and the nations. Will you allow Him to release you? Will you open your mouth and let Him fill it with HIS ROAR, a roar that will shake the nations? ROAR, people of God ROAR!!!! It is time that we, with God, shake the nations!!! ROAR!!!
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Turn Around and Acceleration11/10/2022 ![]() I was awakened by the sound of intense wind, of a whirlwind. The Lord again was speaking to me through sound. I was seeking the Lord about this and I began to hear an intense sound of turning. As I was hearing the sound I saw the wind of God pushing us/accelerating us into our next season. There is a turnaround for you, an accelerated turning that God is doing quickly. In an instant you will not be where you have been. Job 37:12 (ESV) “They turn around and around by His guidance, to accomplish all that He commands them on the face of the habitable world.” Psalms 34:17 (NKJV) “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Some of you have been in your situations so long it has become your identity. God is your identity, not your situations. God is turning you from that situation into the new He has for you. He is accelerating you onto the path you should have been on all along. The wind and turning that I was hearing was so strong it was as if I could feel it. I could feel the turning; I could feel the acceleration. This is very real. Get ready and step into your turnaround. God is breaking you free of the old and the false identity you have been living in. He is ready to take us all beyond where we have been and way beyond ourselves. He is releasing you and turning you so swiftly it will be instantaneous. There is turnaround for you NOW. There is acceleration for you NOW!!! There is not a waiting game. There is no delay, it is NOW!!! We are not waiting on God; He is waiting for us. Step into this turnaround, step into this acceleration. Allow God to pick you up in His wind and take you where He wants to take you. This is a significant time for us. God is speaking turn around and acceleration to us. We must believe Him. grab hold of this, and allow Him to turn us and accelerate us. This is quick, swift and powerful. The force of this is incredible. God is going to catapult you! You just have to trust, say yes, and step. God is saying to us now, “I am ready, are you? I am ready to turn all things around for you. I am ready to turn you around. I am ready to accelerate you faster than you have ever gone and further than you have ever gone. Step into My wind and let Me take you everywhere I want to take you. Let My wind not only take you where I want but take you there as fast I want to take. You will NEVER be the same!! Your life will be dramatically different. Let’s go.”
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New Realms And Higher Levels11/3/2022 ![]() I was awakened by the sound like you hear at a bank when you put your checks or money in the tube and push the button and the tube is sucked up into the chute. It was with the sound of the tube being sucked up that the Lord awakened me. As I began to seek Him on this, this is what He said, “I am ready to take you places you have only dreamed of. I am ready to accelerate you beyond you. There are realms I want to take you to, that I want you to experience that are way beyond your natural understanding. Fresh new places. Places flowing with new wine. Places beyond you. There are encounters with Me that I have for you that you have yet to enter and experience. I want to bring you to new levels with Me. Will you come? Just rest in My love and rest in Me and let me take you on the greatest ride of your life thus far. Just as the tube you put into your bank cylinder and release it, release yourself to Me and let me take you into My great unknown.” Exodus 33:14 (NKJV) “And He said, “ My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Amos 3:7 (NLT) “Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets.” Amos 9:13-15 (MSG) “Yes indeed, it won't be long now” God’s Decree. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once- and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for My people Israel: “They’ll rebuild their ruined cities. They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land. They'll never again be uprooted from the land I have given them.” God your God says so.” Your God says so. What He says, He will do. He has said it, so get ready for acceleration, get ready for Him to take you places you have never been. Get ready for Him to take you to new realms. Numbers 23:18 (NLT) “God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through?” Isaiah 38:7 (NLT) “And this is a sign from the Lord to prove that He will do as He promised.” We can trust our Daddy God to do what He says. He is not a man that He should lie. He can be trusted. He has such a plan for us. We have to believe Him in order to go where He wants to take us. In order to experience things way beyond us, we have to believe Him without limits. After all, the only limit God has is what we put on Him. So let’s take all limits off of God. Let's believe Him. Let's go beyond ourselves into the great unknown with God. Don’t you want to go beyond where you are? If it is within our capabilities, it isn’t really believing God to do more. That is relying on ourselves. God is wanting us to trust Him beyond our own capabilities, because that is really trusting Him. That is really going beyond ourselves. Where is the trusting and believing in God, if we can do it in our own abilities. It is when it is beyond us and out of our comfort zone that it takes us further. How can we go beyond ourselves and into the realms of God if we don't believe Him and trust Him? Leave trusting in your abilities and go beyond, into trusting God and in the abilities and gifts He has given you. I have experienced a lot with God, but I want to experience ALL He has for me. I have gone so many places with God, but I know there is so much more. “Take me up God into the great unknown with you. I trust You God.” Let our cry be, “Take me to Your great unknown.” I am telling you from my own experience, when I have shut everything out and just stood and surrendered to God, not even saying a word, but just entering His presence, I have experienced great journeys with God and incredible encounters that have rocked me to the core. It is the willingness, trust, surrender, and believing in God that will get you to these places. Heavenly encounters are waiting for you. Are you ready to go? New levels are waiting for you. Are you ready to leave the level you are on and trust God and go to the next level with Him? Why would anyone want to stay where they are and settle for the experience they have had when God has so much more. God is saying to you today, “Go beyond you. Go with Me to the great unknown. I have great adventures and journeys ahead for you. Let's go together. Rivers of new wine are waiting for you to dive into and drink. Rest in Me, trust Me, release yourself to Me, get beyond just trusting in your own abilities and what you can do. Trust Me, you are about to experience the greatest ride and journey of your lives thus far. I am accelerating you and taking you higher and taking you to greater levels. When you release yourself to Me and trust Me I will grab hold of you and take you higher, just as the bank tube is sucked up, you will be “sucked up”, so to speak, into the new realms and encounters I have for you. Come, encounter Me in new and greater ways. You will never be the same again.” |