AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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It Is Unleashing Time6/29/2022 God is saying to you and I today, this season: “ It is unleashing time. I am unleashing the greatest move of My Spirit anyone has ever seen. I am unleashing things you have never walked in, things you have never experienced, things never done before. Get ready, I am unleashing you. The chains that have tried to hold you back are being broken NOW! The leash that has been put on you is being removed NOW. I am unleashing you and unleashing the greatest move of My Spirit anyone has ever seen. You were born for such a time as this.” Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV) “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” John 14:12 (NIV) “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to My Father.” God is doing a NEW thing, do you not perceive it? We will do greater things than He did. These are incredible statements and now God is saying to us that He is unleashing some things never been done before, some things never seen before, some things we have never walked in. I pose this question to you, “Are you ready? Are you willing to walk into the NEW, incredible, never been done before things of God?”. I hope you are. He chose to do this in our lifetime because we were created for “SUCH A TIME AS THIS (Esther 4:14) Daniel 11:32b (NKJV) “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” We know our God, we are strong and we will do great exploits. Are you ready people of God, are you ready to do and walk in what God is unleashing ???? I am personally so ready. I say, “ Unleash Lord Unleash!!!” He showed me a vision of what it looks like to be UNLEASHED. There is freedom in the unleashing, there is newness in the unleashing, and there is advancement in the unleashing. In the vision He said. “Run, run, run. I am unleashing you. I am unleashing you into the new and the things I have never done before. Be ready, because here we go!!!” As I was preparing to write this blog He spoke to me and said, “I am unleashing you into your full potential. You will awaken to your full potential. You will begin to walk into your full potential. Hold nothing back as I unleash you. Do not fear the new. Just because it has never been done or seen before doesn't mean it isn't Me. It is Me”, says the Lord. He showed me glory is being unleashed like never before. I am so ready to move, walk and live in this. We should be so thankful that He is choosing to do this in our lifetime. Church, it is wake up time. Get rid of the old wineskins, He is pouring out the new. The Church as we know it will never be the same and neither will we. Get ready to take this out to the world. Shift is happening. If we want this and want to be a part of this and want God to unleash us, we must say YES to this. We must surrender, be willing and obedient to move when He says move, to say what He says to say, etc. It is unleashing time!!! Let’s go people of God, let's go Church, let's walk into and in everything He is unleashing and let’s run when He unleashes us. Be ready for the greatest move of His Spirit ever.
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Time For Advancement6/25/2022 It is time for advancement for the Body of Christ. It is time we advance the Kingdom of God. It is time we pursue and overtake. It is time to take back what has been stolen from us. I heard the Lord say, ” It is time for advancement . Advance, advance , advance. It is time to stop running from the enemy. It is time to advance, pursue and overtake”. I began to see a vision and in the vision the Lord showed me the Remnant. The remnant grabbed cages,shackles, prison doors and the gates of hell and began to shake them and as they did the cages broke open, the shackles fell apart and fell off, prison doors exploded open and the gates of hell were destroyed. We began to shake everything and what had been bound was set free, what had been held up was released and what had been restricted was freed. I Samuel 30;8 NKJV So David inquired of the Lord , saying, “ Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “ Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” God is saying to you and I today, “ Pursue for you will surely overtake and recover all. It is time for advancement.” We can take this word and pursue overcome and recover all or, we can sit back and stay where we are and not advance. This is a direct word from God to us for this time. He wants to advance us and move us forward. He wants us to recover. He wants us to advance against the enemy and not sit back and let the enemy advance against us. He wants the remnant to advance, grab the cages, shackles, prison doors and the gates of hell and shake everything loose. He showed me that in this case, what He is wanting to do and us to do when we storm the gates of hell is to let loose what has been restricted by the enemy. To break every chain that is holding the body of Christ captive. As I am typing this, I saw Jezebel being destroyed , I saw religion shattered, I saw legalism fall to the ground and be consumed by the fire of God. There is a shaking taking place in the Church and in the world and God is using the remnant to do it. The remnant is arising. It is time for ADVANCEMENT. Are you ready? Will you be a cage shaker? WIll you be a chain breaker ? Will you be a prison breaker? Will you be the gates of hell destroyer? It is time the giant slayer in you wakes up and advances. People of God, He is doing it!!! Will you be the ones He uses? Matthew 16; 17-19 NKJV Jesus answered and said,” Blessed are you Simon Bar- Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. The gates of hell shall not prevail against us. We have been given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. I Samuel 17; 45-48 NIV ( paraphrased by me ) David spoke to the giant and said,”I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty. He will give all of you into our hands.” He ran at the giant. He didn't stand there and take it. He first declared victory, then he ran at the giant, overtook him and defeated him. God is saying,” advance, shake those cages loose and open, break those chains, destroy the gates, recover all. It is time remnant to arise and change the world. It is time remnant to arise and do some shaking. Remnant, it is time to advance and overtake. I am shaking things, I am shaking people. It is time to wake up, My people, and be who I have called you to be and live how I have called you to live. You are the Shakers , the Gamechangers, the Giantslayers. I am with you. You will not fail. You are victorious. Advance My sons and daughters advance.”
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Harvest Your Pearls6/18/2022 As I was seeking the Lord for this week's blog, this is what He said, “Harvest Your Pearls.” I began to listen to Him to hear what more He had to say on this statement. He said: “I have much to say to My sons and daughters and I have much to show them and release to them. As I release these things to them, speak things to them, and show them things, I want them to harvest what I am releasing, speaking and showing them. I have pearls of wisdom, pearls of knowledge, pearls of revelation and even secret pearls that I have kept hidden for such a time as this. Now is release time,” says the Lord. Matthew 13:45-46 (NKJV) “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” This pearl he found was so valuable to him that he sold all he had in order to have it.” God is saying to us that He is releasing pearls to us. He didn't say we had to pay for these pearls. He said He is releasing them. His instruction to us concerning these pearls is to harvest them. One of the definitions of harvest is to gather and reap. God is telling us He is releasing and we are to reap the harvest. We are to harvest the pearls. Revelation 21:21 (NKJV), “The twelve gates were twelve pearls: each individual gate was of one pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.” Pearls were of great value. God has chosen to use this word to show us what He is going to release to us is valuable and true treasures. Many are going to be harvesting great and powerful revelations from God. Many will harvest powerful wisdom and many will harvest incredible knowledge. Many, I believe, have been waiting for God to reveal and release secret things to them. Now is your time. I also know, because God revealed it to me, that many of us are the pearls that God has been shaping and forming and now is your time to be released. You are the pearl to be released. Colossians 3:3 (NKJV) “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” The hidden ones are being revealed and released. Get ready to be released. God is releasing the pearls. Get ready to harvest your harvest of pearls. Harvest also means to gather a crop: to gain, win or use. I truly believe that each one of us can harvest every pearl that God is releasing if we believe Him and what He says. If we do this, we will harvest our pearls. You may be asking, “How do I harvest these pearls?” The greatest thing we can do when God speaks is to believe what He says. He will tell us if there is more action to take. Take some time to be alone with God and ask Him what pearl or pearls He wants to release to you specifically. Anytime God wants to give us something, it requires us to believe Him. We need to believe that He has spoken and that He will do it. Get yourself prepared to receive/harvest your pearls. If it is you He wants to release, if you are the pearl, get ready and allow Him to release you, and to release what He has put inside of you. I am so excited to harvest the pearls that God has for me. I will not miss out on one pearl that He has for me, I will harvest them all. Because, I believe Him, I trust Him. I am going to gather the pearls He is releasing to me. I am encouraging you to do the same. It is the time of release and harvest. He releases, we harvest. Harvest your pearls, sons and daughters of God. Let Him also release the pearl that you are. When I think of pearls I think of a valuable gem, a precious stone, a true gift and treasure. I believe what God is saying and I cannot wait to harvest my pearls. Valuable things will be released to you. I heard the Lord say this as I was writing this blog, “Many of My sons and daughters will receive debt cancellation, supernatural debt cancellation. Many will receive multiple raises, increased bonuses and doubled income. I am moving in incredible ways on behalf of My sons and daughters. Expect the impossible to take place in your life. What you thought was impossible, you will see manifest now. Suddenness will be your normal,” says the Lord. Harvest your pearls!!!!
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Aligning with God's Largeness6/9/2022 My husband was sharing with me this week something he read in a devotional about how God's thoughts toward us are always about His largeness not our smallness. As I read it the Lord spoke to me and said,” Smallness limits Me, but largeness, thinking large, opens things wide open for Me to give you so much more and do so much more. Thinking large, believing large, expands your capacity to receive from Me. “Think and believe LARGE!,” says the Lord. Last week I wrote about what God had said to me about casting your net and the transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. Now He is speaking about His largeness versus our smallness. He is trying to get great, huge things to us. Romans 8 :17 TPT “And since we are His true children we qualify to share all His treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God Himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that He is and all that He has. We will experience being co-glorified with Him provided that we accept His sufferings as our own.” We must accept what Jesus did on the cross for us as our own. He suffered for us. He took all sin, sickness, disease, poverty, wrath, everything on His body and then gave us His righteousness, all that He is and all that He has. He has everything. That means we need to accept all that He has done on our behalf. In other Bible versions it says joint heirs, co-heirs with Christ. One of the definitions of heir is: a person who inherits or is entitled to inherit the rank, title or position of another. The Biblical definition of heir is: someone who has been appointed to receive an inheritance. Romans 8:17 says we inherit all that He has and all that He is. ALL means ALL! God is saying we need to stop thinking and believing small and begin to think and believe large. We need to leave smallness behind and step into the largeness of God's thinking toward us. God is wanting us to come out of agreement with smallness and come into agreement with His largeness. He wants to get things to us, that is why He is speaking about His thoughts of largeness toward us instead of our thoughts toward ourselves of smallness. At the Cross there was a divine exchange that took place. Jesus took all that we were and had and gave us all that He was and had. We have to see ourselves in the place that God has put us. We have to align with His thoughts toward us and not our own. God said He is transferring the wealth of the wicked to the righteous, that is you and me, if you are saved/born again. He wants us to cast our net and pull in ALL He is giving us and has for us. God is saying today, “Stop thinking and living small. Break agreement with smallness. Come out of alignment with smallness. I am not into smallness. Stop limiting Me. I know the plans I have for you and they are LARGE. I know your future, it is great, large and tremendous. Don’t limit Me by agreeing with smallness. Cast your net into the largeness that I have for you. It is time to stop casting your net into smallness. I am in largeness and My thoughts of you and for you are large. “Cast your net into My realm of largeness and bring in the harvest.” says the Lord. God is telling us that in a time where the media and the world is saying lack, He is saying large. We must come out of agreement with everything the world is saying and come into agreement with what Jesus did on the cross and His largeness. Let’s allow Him to make us His Poster Child, as my husband says, of His largeness and His goodness. Let’s look different from the world because we believe in Him and have shifted into His largeness and shifted out of our smallness. Let’s start casting our nets to the other side, from smallness to largeness! Some of you may be thinking that you are already living in God's largeness, but God is saying to you, “There is more. I have more for you. I have increase for you. I have largeness for you. Leave the realm of smallness in any area and enter My realm of largeness. Allow Me to change your thinking from smallness to My largeness,” says the Lord. It is time, people of God, to shift into God's largeness. Allow Him to dream for you. He is a good, good Daddy. He is ready to bring His largeness into your life. He is ready for you to receive all that Jesus did for you on the cross. We live how we believe. If you are believing wrong or believing small, allow Him to shift you. It is time for you to live LARGE!!!!!
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Cast Your Net6/4/2022 Last Sunday, May 29th, while I was at church the Lord spoke to me and said, “I am about to transfer the wealth of the wicked to the righteous.” Wow, how many are ready to receive this? I know I am. I believe Lord, I believe. Then, as I was thinking and praying about this week's blog, He said, “Cast Your Net.” So I began to think about this and listen to Him to reveal it to me. I was sharing this with my husband Jay, and God was revealing it to me as were we're speaking. He was showing me and speaking to me that we as tithers and givers have been receiving from Him from one dimension and it was time to “cast our nets” into another dimension. He is transferring the wealth of the wicked to the righteous. It is time we have more faith and more trust in Him. It is time for radical believing and radical faith in our Daddy God. In John 21:6 (NKJV), Simon Peter and others went out fishing, at a point when they were out Jesus gave them instructions in verse 6 “And He said to them, ‘Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’ So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fish.” God had them cast their net on the other side and they pulled in a great harvest. God is wanting us to cast our net into a greater realm. We are already reaping a harvest from our tithes, offerings and giving, but there is more. He is wanting us to “Cast Our Net” and bring in the wealth of the wicked that He is transferring to us. How do we do that? We do that by believing that He is doing it. He has told us what He is going to do and He has given us instructions. He is transferring the wealth of the wicked to the righteous and we are to cast our net. When they followed Jesus’ instructions and cast their net on the other side, there was so much in their net they could not draw it in. And now, He is telling us to cast our net. People of God get ready to bring in a mighty harvest, an abundance, increase and overflow. He is doing it. He is transferring the wealth of the wicked to the righteous, we are to believe Him and receive. Proverbs 13:22 “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” The sinner's wealth is stored up and God is saying He is transferring this wealth to the righteous. I am personally going to do a prophetic act of casting my net. I encourage you to do the same. It is time we shift to the other side and cast our net into deeper waters and into this greater realm of wealth. God said it, I believe it. It is time for TRANSFER!!!! It is time to CAST YOUR NET!!! Get ready sons and daughters of God, the transfer has started. Cast your net, receive the transfer!!!!! God is saying to His sons and daughters, “Cast Your Net. It is time to reap the harvest. It is reaping/harvest season for you. Cast your net and pull in the harvest. Cast your net and pull in the transfer. It is not only reaping/harvest season, it is transfer time”, says the Lord. |