AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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Aligning with God's Largeness6/9/2022 My husband was sharing with me this week something he read in a devotional about how God's thoughts toward us are always about His largeness not our smallness. As I read it the Lord spoke to me and said,” Smallness limits Me, but largeness, thinking large, opens things wide open for Me to give you so much more and do so much more. Thinking large, believing large, expands your capacity to receive from Me. “Think and believe LARGE!,” says the Lord. Last week I wrote about what God had said to me about casting your net and the transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. Now He is speaking about His largeness versus our smallness. He is trying to get great, huge things to us. Romans 8 :17 TPT “And since we are His true children we qualify to share all His treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God Himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that He is and all that He has. We will experience being co-glorified with Him provided that we accept His sufferings as our own.” We must accept what Jesus did on the cross for us as our own. He suffered for us. He took all sin, sickness, disease, poverty, wrath, everything on His body and then gave us His righteousness, all that He is and all that He has. He has everything. That means we need to accept all that He has done on our behalf. In other Bible versions it says joint heirs, co-heirs with Christ. One of the definitions of heir is: a person who inherits or is entitled to inherit the rank, title or position of another. The Biblical definition of heir is: someone who has been appointed to receive an inheritance. Romans 8:17 says we inherit all that He has and all that He is. ALL means ALL! God is saying we need to stop thinking and believing small and begin to think and believe large. We need to leave smallness behind and step into the largeness of God's thinking toward us. God is wanting us to come out of agreement with smallness and come into agreement with His largeness. He wants to get things to us, that is why He is speaking about His thoughts of largeness toward us instead of our thoughts toward ourselves of smallness. At the Cross there was a divine exchange that took place. Jesus took all that we were and had and gave us all that He was and had. We have to see ourselves in the place that God has put us. We have to align with His thoughts toward us and not our own. God said He is transferring the wealth of the wicked to the righteous, that is you and me, if you are saved/born again. He wants us to cast our net and pull in ALL He is giving us and has for us. God is saying today, “Stop thinking and living small. Break agreement with smallness. Come out of alignment with smallness. I am not into smallness. Stop limiting Me. I know the plans I have for you and they are LARGE. I know your future, it is great, large and tremendous. Don’t limit Me by agreeing with smallness. Cast your net into the largeness that I have for you. It is time to stop casting your net into smallness. I am in largeness and My thoughts of you and for you are large. “Cast your net into My realm of largeness and bring in the harvest.” says the Lord. God is telling us that in a time where the media and the world is saying lack, He is saying large. We must come out of agreement with everything the world is saying and come into agreement with what Jesus did on the cross and His largeness. Let’s allow Him to make us His Poster Child, as my husband says, of His largeness and His goodness. Let’s look different from the world because we believe in Him and have shifted into His largeness and shifted out of our smallness. Let’s start casting our nets to the other side, from smallness to largeness! Some of you may be thinking that you are already living in God's largeness, but God is saying to you, “There is more. I have more for you. I have increase for you. I have largeness for you. Leave the realm of smallness in any area and enter My realm of largeness. Allow Me to change your thinking from smallness to My largeness,” says the Lord. It is time, people of God, to shift into God's largeness. Allow Him to dream for you. He is a good, good Daddy. He is ready to bring His largeness into your life. He is ready for you to receive all that Jesus did for you on the cross. We live how we believe. If you are believing wrong or believing small, allow Him to shift you. It is time for you to live LARGE!!!!!
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