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“Let’s Have Mountaintop Experiences”7/20/2022 As I was praying and thinking about what to write this week I heard the Lord say, “ It is time for mountaintop experiences. let‘s have mountaintop experiences.” I began to see this mountaintop and on it were God's sons and daughters. As His sons and daughters were standing on the mountaintop His glory began to descend on them, they began to have clarity of vision. When you are on a mountain top you are above the treeline and can see unobstructed in all directions. It is a place of spiritual clarity. Mark 9;2-4 NIV After six days, Jesus took Peter, James and John with Him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There He was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. This was a mountaintop experience for Peter, James and John, three of His closest disciples. Jesus was taking them on a special trip. Are you ready for your special trips? You will need to get alone with Jesus to go to the mountaintop. Recently I have had incredible encounters with God, with Jesus, and it has rocked my world. Both times I was in a meeting, and I entered into worship and just got lost with Jesus and incredible things took place. I truly had mountaintop experiences. But, I had to close everything out, everyone in the room, and just focus on Jesus. When I did, wow, what happened was incredible. I will never be the same. Matthew 6:6 ESV But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees you in secret will reward you. James 4;8 NKJV Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…… Jesus Himself got alone to spend time with His Father, we are no different. Matthew 14;23 NIV “ After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. Later that night He was there alone.” I believe God is releasing this word at this time because He wants us to encounter Him in a new way. As I just typed this sentence I heard the Lord say,” It is time. I have encounters for you, with Me, that will rattle your cage, shift your mindset, transform you and forever change you. These encounters will transform you so much you will walk in newness of life. You will experience My Glory, My Fire, My wind and My presence in a way you have never experienced it. You will walk from these experiences knowing Me in a new way, you will know I AM THAT I AM. I will be taking you to new heights and new places you have never been. Come, sit with Me, close everything out and let's go to new places.” Sons and daughters of God do not be afraid of this. Did you catch on the referenced scripture that Jesus went to the mountainside? He is calling us to go places we have never been.To experience Him in ways we never have. You will be different. Some of us need to do this. I know that when we do this we will look different and even have a new aroma. God is doing this NOW. When we do this and experience and have encounters with God we will even minister from a new position. Some of you will even go to places in the Spirit with God that you have only dreamt to be able to do.I can see it so clearly. Let's all go wherever Jesus wants to take us. Let's all be who Jesus wants us to be. I believe some of us will go with Jesus where no man or woman has gone before. Will you be that man or woman? I know I will . I say, “ YES LORD YES, TAKE ME!!! Who will say this with me? It is a season of incredible encounters with Jesus. It is a season to be rattled, shifted, and transformed in the greatest, most powerful way. Do you want to step into this new season or stay in the old? Let’s go sons and daughters of God, let's go. I am locking arms with Jesus and walking into encounters with Him. Come, go with Him. Isaiah 41;10 NIV “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” He is with us, fear not, let’s go!!!!
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