AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
February 2025
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It’s Your New SEEson!7/27/2022 ![]() I hear the Lord saying, “It is your new SEEson. It is time for you to SEE in a fresh, new way. It is My season of seeing in a new, fresh, and supernatural way. Are you ready to advance into this new SEEson? I am ready to take you. It is time to step into this. I am ready to take you farther than you have ever been, higher than you imagined, and into realms you only have dreamed of. Will you come with Me? I am ready to show you secret things, and unveil deep things to you.” 2 KIngs 6:17 (NKJV) “And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Lord, open our eyes that we may see. It is time for us to put ourselves into a position where we can see what we cannot see (in the natural). It is time to draw near to God, spend time with Him, open our eyes and our ears to see and hear what He is ready to show us. Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV) “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” God is ready to show you, are you ready to see? It is time for the secret things, the supernatural things to be revealed. Once revealed, it will be time to advance, move and act on what is being revealed. Are you ready? Are you willing? Many have been looking at things from a tainted perspective, a perspective a little tainted by circumstances and situations in their lives. I heard the Lord say. “I am changing and shifting your perspective, I am also changing and shifting your circumstances and situations. I am going to show you things from a NEW perspective, MY perspective. I am giving you clarity.” To those who are seers, God says to you,” I am giving you a double portion of the seer anointing in this new SEEson, you will see MORE and greater things. Your spiritual sight is increasing. Do not fear what you see, be bold and declare it.” To those of you have longed for the seer anointing God says, “This is your SEEson to see, I am opening your eyes to the realm of Heaven.” This season is not like any other SEEson of your life. This season of SEEING is going to rattle your cage and break you into something new. You were created to thrive, not just survive. God is going to show you new things, even new things about yourself and your life you have only wanted to see. Dreams are coming true in this SEEson. Dreams are coming alive. Many will begin to SEE more and greater and have the anointing to interpret what they are seeing. Many who are dreamers will begin to also receive the interpretation of those dreams. Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NIV) “Then the Lord replied: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Acts 9:12 (NIV) In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight. Sons and daughters of God get ready for dreams and visions full of direction, wisdom and revelation from Heaven. Get ready to SEE yourself doing things, healings, signs, wonders and miracles; then go and do them. It is a new SEEson. It is time to SEE!!! It is time to THRIVE!!! It is time to DREAM!!! Wake up sleepers and SEE, DREAM and THRIVE!!!! The gifts in you will begin to awaken in this SEEson. It is time. You are the move, you are the revival. Let’s BE!!! I heard the Lord say, “I have so much to show you and tell you. I have secret things to share with you. I have deep revelations for you and I am releasing it now to you. As I show you things and tell you things, write it down, get it deep in you and then declare it. I am waking up what has been sleeping. Get in My river and flow with Me. Ride the waves with Me. It is time to SEE, BE and DO. Put your hand in Mine, we are going places.”
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Janet Cruz
8/2/2022 06:42:11 am
I came to this site as a curious seeker to see what this is and how it can bless me.Thank you for sharing. I ask that you pray for me to receive that which God has for me. Pray for my healing. Pray that in this SEEson God will have His way in me as I continue to have Faith in His word. Thank you again.
8/2/2022 08:12:21 am
Good morning
8/2/2022 09:00:13 am
I saw that there are new writers for the fullness of Christ ministries, What the Lord Is Saying Today emails, so I looked at the information given. I'm really excited about what God will do in this season and agree to the words spoken in this reading. And I just bless God for you all. I thank him for your lives, your ministries and purpose. I pray that he will continue to protect, provide and continue to give provision to your lives. I love you all with the love of God and am so glad to have you as writers on the emails. Thank you for serving the lord gladly. God bless you
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