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January 2025
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It Is Time To Go Up8/6/2022 As I was praying and thinking about this week's blog, I saw a staircase ascending to Heaven and I heard the Lord say, “It is time to go up. I am taking you higher and to greater places with Me. It is encounter time.” At the top of the stairs in my vision was an Upper Room. As you ascend higher with God you will be taken into the Upper Room. It is time for God's sons and daughters to have an Upper Room encounter with Him. Who is ready to go? Acts 2:1 “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them tongues, as of fire, and one sat on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” I believe they came out marked by God for the rest of their lives. They experienced an encounter and they shifted. After this Peter preached and 3000 were saved. What will happen after your Upper Room experience with God? What will shift? How will you be marked by God? I can see them in the Upper Room being totally lost with Him. Totally undone, we could say. The stairs I saw were so vivid. There was new life on each step as it ascended to the Upper Room. With each step to ascend, things began to change and happen. As each one arrived at the top and as they entered the Upper Room there was a shaking that was taking place. Shaking because of the presence of God, shaking because of His Shekinah Glory. This shaking was an incredible shaking, one that you do not want to miss out on. As you go to spend time with the Lord, get ready to ascend. Get ready to enter the Upper Room. get ready for an encounter with your Daddy God that will mark you for the rest of your life. It is time. There is a shaking that will take place that will awaken you to new things, new depths, new revelations, new dreams, new dimensions and new realms that you have only wished for. Today it is becoming your reality as you get alone with God to ascend. I hear God saying to you,” It is time to ascend, time to shake, time to go further than you ever thought possible. It is time for Heavenly visitations, Heavenly encounters and for you to be marked by Me. Ascend Sons and Daughters, ascend. I am ready for you to encounter Me in ways you have only dreamed of. In ways no one has ever done before. It is a new day for you. I am doing a new thing. Come up higher! Climb the stairs to the Upper Room. I am waiting for you. Ascend.
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8/7/2022 09:24:03 pm
Awesome word Jennifer!! Let's go higher and higher
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