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January 2025
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Sit with Me and Be Transformed2/22/2024 As I was sitting with the Lord I began to smell fresh bread baking. I listened to the Lord as I was breathing in this incredible smell. He spoke to me and said, “I have a fresh word for you that will transform your life and shift you into your next season. I want you to sit with Me and listen. Fresh manna from My throne room is coming to you. Once you hear it, I want you to be bold and courageous and let it transform you and shift you into your next season. For many of you it will be a slight shift, but for others it will be a drastic shift. You have been where you are long enough. It is time to move forward. I am unsticking you and moving you forward when you say yes. As you yield to Me and when you receive this fresh word from Me, you will feel the shift and transformation inside you. Allow Me to do this. Once you feel the transformation and shift inside you, yield to Me and let Me manifest this in your lives. Oh, how I have so much more for you. I am waiting for you. Come and sit with Me,” says the Lord. As I was writing this, I see us sitting with the Lord, yielding to Him and receiving this fresh word from Him, just as bread rises as it is being baked, I see us rising. It is time we rise up, Church. It is time we rise up people of God. Let Him unstick you. Let Him transform and shift you. WOW, WOW!!! GO and sit with your Daddy. Go yield to Him and let Him give you His fresh word for your life. Let Him transform and shift you. It is rising time. Many of us have been in the baking season. But I see those who have been “baking” rising up. So much so, that the place you have been baking in can no longer hold you in. It is very important that you and I go and sit with God and listen. Oh, I pray that you have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Spirit of God is showing you and speaking to you. I can see honey being put on the bread now and I can smell it. The smell of honey means revelation. God is going to give you revelation of this next season as you sit with Him. He will give you His fresh Word for your life and give you the revelation of it. It is time to get unstuck and advance forward into your next season with God. I can say I have felt stuck and somewhat stagnant. I am going to do what God is saying. As I wrote that last sentence I felt God unstick me. Whew, what a powerful feeling. This word for you and me is truly from His throne room. I believe this is a NOW/ KAIROS moment for our lives. Will you take it? Will you yield to God? Will you sit with Him and listen? So many, including myself, want to have our time with the Lord and tell Him everything and just unload, there is time for that, but how many of us are willing to sit with God and just be quiet and let Him speak. How many of us will be still and know that He is God? Psalms 46:10 (NKJV) “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!” I once did a word study on the BE STILL part of that scripture. Be still as used in this verse means: desist, let drop, stop striving. I hear God saying, “Stop, I don't need your help. Chill and let Me do what I do, I've got this.” Desist means: to cease, as from action, stop or abstain, to cease, as from some action or proceeding. So this word from God today is, we need to just sit, yield and listen. Then when we hear our fresh word from God, we then do what He has told us to do. Many of us have heard the phrase “let go and let God”, today we need to let go of our preconceived ideas of what our life would be like, our agendas and our plans and open up to God's ideas, plans and agendas for our life. We need to yield to His ways, His plans, ideas and agendas. His ways are higher than ours. His thoughts than our thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Yield your plans and your ways and your thoughts to His. Philippians 2:5 (AMPC) “Let this same attitude and purpose and (humble) mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: ( Let Him be your example in humility).” Philippians 2:5 (JUB) “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Take this word from God and let it resonate in you. Then follow His instructions. Sit with Him, yield to Him, be still, be quiet and listen. Then do what He says. This is a NOW word. Set aside all distractions and busyness and just BE with God. Oh, I can’t wait to hear the testimonies of what He says to you, what He does in you, and about your transformation and shifting. Do it Lord, do it!!!
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