AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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Dreams - LIVE AGAIN!!!!!!3/21/2022 Many today have allowed their dreams to wane away or go dormant. Many have given up on their dreams, even those given to you by God. Many have felt the things they have longed for, for years, will never happen. But God!!!!!! When in reality, I believe God is wanting to awaken those dreams. God has put dreams in-side of you that you have put on the back burner or given up on, but God is awakening those dreams in this upcoming season.
You need to prepare yourself for your dreams to come ALIVE! Let’s look at Scripture: Ezekiel 37:3 (KJV) “And He said to me, ‘Son of man, can these bones live?’ And I answered, ‘oh Lord God, thou knowest.’” God asked Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” In other words, is it possible for God to revive and restore what has been dead and lifeless. Can what has been long forgotten about for many years live again? My answer to you is “YES”. Have you ever wondered if your dreams will ever become a real-ity? Have you asked yourself, “Is this dream from God or my own idea?” Scripture says in Psalms 37:4 (NKJV) “Delight yourselves in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” My husband and I believe that this scripture has two meanings. First, God places those desires (some might call them dreams) in our hearts. Second, He then fulfills those desires and gives them to us. He places those desires into our hearts so He can then fill/ fulfill them. So, I believe the dreams we carry have been given to us by God. The dreams we carry become desires, desires that God will then fill/fulfill. God is saying to you today, “DREAMS LIVE AGAIN. DREAMS WAKE UP. I am going to fulfill your dreams.” So, if you have asked yourself or God, “Can my dreams live again?” The Answer is, “YES”. When God’s power, God’s breath, breathes on you and into your dreams and desires, they live again. It is never too late to accom-plish that dream, that desire that God has put into you. It is not too late for it to be birthed. When God asked Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” Ezekiel re-sponded, “O Lord God thou knowest.” In the face of what seems like impossible odds, God’s Word can and will restore and revive dead dreams. Once God places those dreams/desires in us, to God they are still there. We are the ones who think they have died and let them die. We are the ones who give up hope and give up on those dreams. God is the ultimate Architect and Builder. Only God can breathe life into old/dead mantles, old/dead dreams and make them new and alive again. Seek God. Follow His voice concerning His plans for you and His dreams for you. He is the one who leads your destiny and holds your future in His hands. Oh, what better hands to have your fu-ture in than your Daddy God’s! It is God who breathes His Spirit into old things, dead things and makes them NEW again and makes them ALIVE again. Submit to God and allow Him right now to breathe on you. Allow Him to breathe into your dreams again. Ask Him to breathe on the mantles that are upon you. Allow Him to breathe into you, into the giftings inside you and the upon the call that is on your life. Right where you are, yield to Him, surrender those dreams, relax and as HE breathes into you and on you, take a deep breath and breathe in His breath. Let those dreams, desires, giftings, mantles and calls come ALIVE AGAIN. Let’s pray. Oh Lord, we receive breath right now. We receive Your life into the dead things. We receive Your breath now as You breathe into us. Breathe Lord Breathe!!!!! I decree DREAMS LIVE AGAIN!!!!!!!! I decree HOPE LIVE AGAIN. DESIRES LIVE AGAIN. Mantles come ALIVE AGAIN!!!!
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