AuthorJennifer Peikert Archives
January 2025
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Advancing to Maturity With Me5/28/2023 Recently I was awakened to the smell of roast cooking. Well, I wasn't cooking a roast, but the smell that awakened me was so strong it was undeniable. I was just lying there smelling roast. I knew it was a spiritual smell. Nothing was cooking. I began to seek the Lord on this to see what He wanted to show me and say to me through this. In the natural I knew this smell because I have cooked many roasts and some cooked as we were sleeping. But this truly was a spiritual smell. The smell of meat/roast beef means maturity. The Lord began to speak to me and He said, "I am calling My sons and daughters to maturity. It is time to stop drinking milk and to get into the real ‘MEAT’ of things. Many have continued with the easy things, but I say to you it is time to advance. You would like to stay drinking milk, but that is not where I want you to stay. It is time for you to grow in spiritual maturity. It is time for you to scoot closer to the edge with Me and allow Me to move the edge The ‘MEAT’ will be new, like nothing you have ever tasted before, but I am in the new. I want to advance you and move you forward” This smell I was awakened to was so powerful and strong that it filled the room. I believe this is significant. It was definitely an attention getter. Advancement is NOW. Growth is NOW. God wants to move you forward and advance you. This is His plan not yours. Let's be honest right here, we all like to be comfortable where we are. A lot of people don't like to be stretched or challenged. We like to be in a comfort zone. But God is saying to you and me, “I want to stretch you, there is growing in the stretching. I am pulling your feet out of the ground you have been in and moving you to greater, higher ground. Grab hold, because this is happening. Do not stay stuck, move with Me. From this point forward your comfort zone is gone.” Hebrews 5:13-14 (NLT) “For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn't know how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.” God is giving us an invitation to grow with Him and to advance with Him to the next level. Will you advance? Hebrews 6:1 (TPT) “Now is the time for us to progress beyond the basic message of Christ and advance into perfection. The foundation has already been laid for us to build upon; turning away from dead works to embrace faith in God.” Let's progress with Him. I will be honest with you; I love the stretching. I know that when God stretches me, I will grow. I know when He stretches me it is because He wants to give me more, grow me or advance me. There are things that God has for you to do that will take stretching. It will take you being uncomfortable to advance. It is ok to be nervous, do it anyway. I have done so many things God has asked me to do being nervous or afraid. But, I can honestly say, He has always been there and He has always done through me what He has asked me to do. He can be trusted. I stop and think now that if I wouldn't have allowed Him to stretch me and if I wouldn't have yielded to His stretching I wouldn't have done all the things I have done with Him to this point. What is exciting to me is that, as much as I feel like I have been stretched by God, I know there is so much more stretching. I can't wait to advance with Him. Sons and daughters of God let Him advance you from milk to meat. Let Him stretch you. Let Him advance you. There is so much more. Do not stay where you are, move with Him. I hear God saying, “It is stretching season. It is your Kairos time to advance and grow. Take a deep breath, exhale, rest in Me and eat My meat. Take a deep breath, breathe ME in and yield to the stretching and the growth.”
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