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September 2024
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I Am In The Messy8/22/2024 As I was making my bed, and making sure it looked nice and neat, I heard the voice of the Lord say, “My people want everything to be just perfect, just right in order for Me to move. But I say to you I am in the messy. My people, My church, seems to think they have to set things up for Me to move. The only thing I need is surrender and giving Me room to move. Don’t expect Me to always do the same thing or always do things thesame way. I can tell you there is order in the messy. When I have freedom to do what I want to do, the way I want to do it, oh, there is no limit, no boundaries. You will be amazed at what I do. I say to you now, make room for Me in your day, your meeting, your services and in your lives. I am ready to do a NEW thing. And yes, it is probably going to look messy, but it will be Me. People will be drawn into the EXTRAordinary, the SUPERnatural. Oh, would you let Me have freedom and liberty in your day, your time, your meetings and your church?” II Corinthians 3:17 (NKJV) “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Isaiah 43:19a (ESV) “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Acts 2:1-4 (ESV) “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues ads the Spirit gave them utterance.” As I was typing the scriptures in Acts, I could see tongues of fire appearing to us in our secret place, in our time with God, and in our meetings and services. As we are with Him and make it all about Him and FULLY surrender our time, agendas and services and make room for Him we will experience new and amazing things. Just think about them all together in one place as in Acts and tongues of fire appearing, I absolutely can say it looked messy. I hear the Lord saying, “Be footloose and fancy free with Me.” Listen, it is time we throw our plans and agendas out the door and let HIM have HIS way. The time is now for us to lay down our programs, plans and ways and let HIM HAVE HIS. I can feel His presence so strongly as I write this. This is His heart for us NOW. Will you lay everything down? Will you say,“Lord this your meeting not mine? Lord, what do you want to do today? Lord, what is your plan for my day, my life today? Lord, here, my life is yours, have Your way.” I see waves of glory rushing in as we surrender to Him. I see His fire and His presence taking over as we say these things to Him. I see His purpose being fulfilled. I see things and opportunities coming into our lives and our days as we say these things to Him and surrender these things to Him. As you get in your secret place with Him I see manna from Heaven coming to you. I hear Him say,“Taste and see that I am good.” Stop trying to have everything lined out so He can move. Stop planning your day with no room for Him to move. Don't fill your meetings and churches with programs, just let HIm move and have His way. You will not be disappointed. After all, it is all about His Kingdom, not us.
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