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His FREEDOM FIRE is here8/18/2024 As I was listening to the Lord for this week's blog, I had a vision and could smell wood burning. I began to see the hand of God burn into a piece of wood the word FREEDOM. I could see His hand burning it into the wood and I could smell it. The smell of burning means fire of God. His fire was burning the word FREEDOM into the piece of word. It was so powerful to watch God do this. As He was doing this, I could sense in my spirit what He was about to do something powerful. I could feel HIs fire as He wrote the word FREEDOM. He then spoke and said, “I am releasing a wave of FREEDOM now. This FREEDOM has My fire in it. As you let My fire burn you into FREEDOM you will not only be released from what has held you in bondage, but you will break FREE and burn with My fire. I say to you, My fire will never burn out. You will not only know you have been burned free from bondages, but you will know My FREEDOM FIRE now burns in you to do what I am releasing you to do in this hour. I say to you BURN with My FREEDOM FIRE. Freedom is My heart for you. I want to set you on fire. As you carry My freedom fire to others, they will be set free and released to do what I have called them to do. Will you be the first to get burned by my FREEDOM FIRE? Will you be the first ones to be released with My FREEDOM FIRE to go set others free? I am releasing a wave of MY FREEDOM FIRE now. You will see MANY receive deliverance and get baptized in MY FREEDOM FIRE.” I can see a massive wave of FREEDOM FIRE rolling in. It is like a tsunami of His fire. He doesn't just want us to ride this wave, He wants us to get submersed in it and let it BURN everything that is not of Him and set us on FIRE!! He is releasing a new wave of FREEDOM and deliverance like we have never seen before. Matthew 3:11 (NLT) “I baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am— so much greater that I’m not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with thew Holy Spirit and with fire.” Hebrews 12: 29 (NLT) “For our God is a devouring fire.” John 8:36 (NLT) “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” Don't be afraid of His FREEDOM FIRE. Let it burn you now. Be FREE and BURN with HIS FIRE. GO into all the world burning for Jesus with HIS FREEDOM FIRE and HIS FIRE that will never burn out. Get submersed in HIS tsunami of FIRE.
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